Publikationen (2139)
Rabe J, Rabolt J, Brown C, Swalen J (1986)
Journal of Chemical PhysicsJournalartikel
Green J, Rabe J, Rabolt J (1986)
Rucha B, Rabe J, Schneider G, Knoll W (1986)
Monomolecular lipid layers on thin water films and on solid supports
Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJournalartikel
Michael Borgolte (1986)
Die Grafen Alemanniens in merowingischer und karolingischer Zeit
Eine Prosopographie
Rabe J, Knoll W (1986)
An ellipsometric method for the characterization of macroscopically heterogeneous films
Optics CommunicationsJournalartikel
Swalen J, Rabe J, Brown C, Rabolt J (1987)
Structural Modifications of L-B Films: Order-Disorder Transitions and Polymerization
Surface and Colloid Science in Computer Technology
Outka D, Stöhr J, Rabe J, Swalen J, Rotermund H (1987)
Orientation of arachidate chains in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers on Si(111)
Rabe J, Swalen J, Rabolt J (1987)
Smith D, Bryant A, Quate C, Rabe J, Gerber C, Swalen J (1987)
Images of a lipid bilayer at molecular resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy
Gradmann S, Pinkwart D (1987)
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