Publikationen (106)
Al-Khatib O, Böttcher C, von Berlepsch H, Herman K, Schön S, Rabe JP, Kirstein S (2019)
Colloid and Polymer ScienceJournalartikel
Cassanello CR, Ostendorf F, Rolfs M (2019)
A generative learning model for saccade adaptation
{PLOS} Computational BiologyJournalartikel
Beyer A, Kipf S, {Liebsch, Ann-Catherine} (2019)
Forum ClassicumJournalartikel
Greifeneder, E. (2019)
Kabisch N., Selsam P., Kirsten T., Lausch A., Bumberger J. (2019)
Ecological IndicatorsJournalartikel
Kabisch N., Selsam P., Kirsten T., Lausch A., Bumberger J. (2019)
Ecological IndicatorsJournalartikel
R S, M R (2019)
An adaptive algorithm for fast and reliable online saccade detection.
Behavior Research MethodsJournalartikel
van Scherpenberg C, Abdel Rahman R, Obrig H (2019)
A novel multi-word paradigm for investigating semantic context effects in language production
Center for Open Science
Eisenack K (2019)
Geographische RundschauJournalartikel
Oberlack C, Sietz D, Bürgi Bonanomi E, Bremond A, Dell'Angelo J, Eisenack K, Ellis EC, Epstein G, Giger M, Heinimann A, Kimmich C, Kok MT, Manuel-Navarrete D, Messerli P, Meyfroidt P, Václavík T, Villamayor-Tomas S (2019)
Ecology and SocietyJournalartikel
Oberlack C, Sietz D, Bürgi-Bonanomi E, Bremont A, Dell'Angelo J, Eisenack K, Ellis EC, Epstein GB, Giger M, Heinimann A, Kimmich C, Kok MTJ, Manuel-Navarrete D, Messerli P, Meyfroidt P, Václavík T, Villamayor-Tomas S (2019)
Sietz D, Frey U, Roggero M, Gong Y, Magliocca N, Tan R, Janssen P, Václavík T (2019)
Archetype analysis in sustainability research: methodological portfolio and analytical frontiers
Ecology and SocietyJournalartikel
Eisenack K (2019)
Schlebbe K, Greifeneder E, Hussel C (2019)
BuB Forum Bibliothek und InformationJournalartikel
Winterling A (2019)
Jeoung JH, Martins BM, Dobbek H (2019)
Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases
Methods Mol BioJournalartikel
Baum J, Rabovsky M, Rose SB, Abdel Rahman R (2019)
Center for Open Science
Hagen A, Eisenack K (2019)
Climate Clubs Versus Single Coalitions: The Ambition of International Environmental Agreements
Climate Change EconomicsJournalartikel
Hagen A, Eisenack K (2019)
Climate Clubs Versus Single Coalitions: The Ambitions of International Environmental Agreements
Climate Change EconomicsJournalartikel
Beyer A (2019)
Computergestützter Wortschatzerwerb
Beyranvand S, Gholami MF, Tehrani AD, Rabe JP, Adeli M (2019)
Beyer A (2019)
Das Lateinlehrbuch: Lernorganisator mit Tücken
Eisenack K, Villamayor-Tomas S, Epstein G, Kimmich C, Magliocca NR, Manuel-Navarrete D, Oberlack C, Roggero M, Sietz D (2019)
Design and quality criteria for archetype analysis
Ecology and SocietyJournalartikel
Beyer A (2019)
DH als Perspektive für die Klassische Philologie
Villamayor-Tomas S, Thiel A, Amblard L, Zikos D, Blanco E (2019)
Environmental Science & PolicyJournalartikel
Wildt M (2019)
Die Ambivalenz des Volkes: Der Nationalsozialismus als Gesellschaftsgeschichte
Petras V, Kindling M, Neuroth H, Rothfritz L (2019)
Digitales Datenmanagement als Berufsfeld im Kontext der Data Literacy
ABI TechnikJournalartikel
Neuroth H, Rothfritz L, Petras V, Kindling M (2019)
Digitales Datenmanagement als neue Aufgabe für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken
BIBLIOTHEK Forschung und PraxisJournalartikel
Nikolay N, Mendelson N, Özelci E, Sontheimer B, Böhm F, Kewes G, Toth M, Aharonovich I, Benson O (2019)
Direct measurement of quantum efficiency of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
Thakkar KN, Rolfs M (2019)
Disrupted Corollary Discharge in Schizophrenia: Evidence From the Oculomotor System
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and NeuroimagingJournalartikel
Kemmler L., Ibrahim M., Dobbek H., Zouni A., Bondar A.N. (2019)
Dynamic water bridging and proton transfer at a surface carboxylate cluster of photosystem II
Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsJournalartikel
Cojal González J, Li J, Stöhr M, Kivala M, Palma C, Rabe JP (2019)
Edge Phonon Excitations in a Chiral Self-Assembled Supramolecular Nanoribbon
Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersJournalartikel
Petras V, Bogers T, Gäde M (2019)
Elements of IIR Studies: A Review of the 2006-2018 IIiX and CHIIR Conferences
Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), Glasgow, UK, March 14, 2019
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Schlebbe K, Elke G (2019)
Petras V, Koolen M, Gäde M, Bogers T (2019)
Experiences with the 2013-2016 CLEF Interactive Information Retrieval Tracks
Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), Glasgow, UK, March 14, 2019
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Reiter-Scherer V, Cuellar-Camacho J, Bhatia S, Haag R, Herrmann A, Lauster D, Rabe JP (2019)
Force Spectroscopy Shows Dynamic Binding of Influenza Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase to Sialic Acid
Biophysical JournalJournalartikel
Villamayor Tomás S, Iniesta-Arandia I, Roggero M (2019)
Ecology and SocietyJournalartikel
Neetzow P (2019)
Beyer A (2019)
Lin H, Rauf A, Severin N, Sokolov I, Rabe JP (2019)
Influence of interface hydration on sliding of graphene and molybdenum-disulfide single-layers
Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJournalartikel
Pyrlik C, Schlegel J, Böhm F, Thies A, Krü}ger O, Benson O, Wicht A, Trä}nkle G (2019)
Integrated Thermal Silica Micro-Resonator Waveguide System With Ultra-Low Fluorescence
IEEE Photonics Technology LettersJournalartikel
Han R., Rempfer K., Zhang M., Dobbek H., Zouni A., Dau H., Luber S. (2019)
Investigating the Structure and Dynamics of Apo-Photosystem II
Beyer A (2019)
Lateinische Lehrbuchtexte im Visier
Beyer A (2019)
Lernen im Zeitalter der Daten: mobile, micro, game-based?
Beyer A (2019)
Lernen im Zeitalter der Daten: mobile, micro, game-based?
Thiel C., Truckenbrodt S., Vohland M., Wagner R., Weber U., Werban U., Wollschläger U., Zacharias S., Schaepman M., Lausch A., Baade J., Bannehr L., Borg E., Bumberger J., Chabrilliat S., Dietrich P., Gerighausen H., Glässer C., Hacker J., Haase D., Jagdhuber T., Jany S., Jung A., Karnieli A., Kraemer R., Makki M., Mielke C., Möller M., Mollenhauer H., Montzka C., Pause M., Rogass C., Rozenstein O., Schmullius C., Schrodt F., Schrön M., Schulz K., Schütze C., Schweitzer C., Selsam P., Skidmore A., Spengler D. (2019)
Remote SensingJournalartikel
Bogers T, Gäde M, Koolen M, Petras V, Skov M (2019)
Information in Contemporary Society. iConference 2019 Proceedings
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Grote M (2019)
Membranes to Molecular Machines: Active Matter and the Remaking of Life
University of Chicago Press
Neetzow P, Mendelevitch R, Siddiqui S (2019)
Energy PolicyJournalartikel
Scherwath T, Wealer B, Mendelevitch R (2019)
Böhm F, Nikolay N, Pyrlik C, Schlegel J, Thies A, Wicht A, Trä}nkle G, Benson O (2019)
On-chip integration of single solid-state quantum emitters with a SiO2 photonic platform
New Journal of PhysicsJournalartikel
Bogers T, Dodson S, Freund L, Gäde M, Hall MM, Koolen M, Petras V, Pharo N, Skov M (2019)
Overview of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use (BIIRRR 2019)
Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), Glasgow, UK, March 14, 2019
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Schlebbe K (2019)
Participatory Research with Children: Different Degrees of Participation
Eisenack K, Mier M (2019)
Peak-load pricing with different types of dispatchability
Journal of Regulatory EconomicsJournalartikel
Xu J, Abdel Rahman R, Sommer W (2019)
Language, Cognition and NeuroscienceJournalartikel
Dinneen JD (2019)
Planning for Ethical Agent-Agent Interaction
Good Systems: Ethical AI for CSCW, Workshop at CSCW '19: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
S K, M R, JF M (2019)
Presaccadic motion integration drives a predictive postsaccadic following response.
Journal of VisionJournalartikel
Mutz N, Meisel T, Kirmse H, Park S, Severin N, Rabe JP, List-Kratochvil E, Koch N, Koch C, Blumstengel S, Sadofev S (2019)
Applied Physics LettersJournalartikel
Özelci E, Rühle B, Weigert F, Lubotzky B, Kewes G, Resch-Genger U, Benson O (2019)
J. Phys. Chem. CJournalartikel
España-Bonet C, Stiller J, Ramthun R, Genabith J, Petras V (2019)
Query Translation for Cross-Lingual Search in the Academic Search Engine PubPsych
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research. MTSR 2018
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Landholm DM, Pradhan P, Wegmann P, Sánchez MAR, Salazar JCS, Kropp JP (2019)
Environmental Research LettersJournalartikel
Meya JN, Neetzow P (2019)
Renewable energy policies in federal government systems
Hamborg S, Meya JN, Eisenack K, Raabe T (2019)
Rethinking resilience: A cross-epistemic framework for interdisciplinary energy research
Energy Research and Social ScienceJournalartikel
Kabisch N., Haase D., Haase A. (2019)
Reurbanisation: A long-term process or a short-term stage?
Population, Space and PlaceJournalartikel
Beyer A (2019)
Forum ClassicumJournalartikel
Guday G, Donskyi I, Gholami M, Algara-Siller G, Witte F, Lippitz A, Unger W, Paulus B, Rabe JP, Adeli M, Haag R (2019)
Scalable Production of Nanographene and Doping via Nondestructive Covalent Functionalization
Beyer A (2019)
Schwerpunkt Wortschatz – Sprachbildung im Kleinen
Wijewickrema M, Petras V, Dias N (2019)
The Electronic LibraryJournalartikel
Pham LT, Otto IM, Zikos D (2019)
Water Economics and PolicyJournalartikel
Abdel Rahman R (2019)
Semantic processing during language production: an update of the swinging lexical network
Bandlow V, Lauster D, Ludwig K, Hilsch M, Reiter-Scherer V, Rabe JP, Böttcher C, Herrmann A, Seitz O (2019)
Rothe M, Zhao Y, Kochovski Z, Sigle W, Aken P, Koch C, Ballauff M, Lu Y, Benson O (2019)
Silver nanowires with optimized silica coating as versatile plasmonic resonators
Scientific ReportsJournalartikel
Baumann T, Hauf M, Schildhauer F, Eberl KB, Durkin PM, Deniz E, Lö}ffler JG, Acevedo-Rocha CG, Jaric J, Martins BM, Dobbek H, Bredenbeck J, Budisa N (2019)
Angew Chem Int Ed EnglJournalartikel
Kroh T, Wolters J, Ahlrichs A, Schell AW, Thoma A, Reitzenstein S, Wildmann JS, Zallo E, Trotta R, Rastelli A, Schmidt OG, Benson O (2019)
Scientific ReportsJournalartikel
Roggero M (2019)
Social dilemmas, policy instruments, and climate adaptation measures: the case of green roofs
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global ChangeMitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global ChangeJournalartikel
Eisenack K, Wirsing A (2019)
Möglichkeitswissenschaften. Ökonomie mit Möglichkeitssinn
Beyer A (2019)
Sprachkompetenz(en) im Lateinunterricht - Wie lassen sich sprachliche Erfolge generieren?
Neetzow P, Meya JN (2019)
Standpunkt. Bundesweite Abstände schaden Akzeptanz
Tagesspiegel BackgroundSonstiges
Eisenack K, Mendelevitch R (2019)
Standpunkt Kohleausstieg ohne unsichtbare Hand
Tagesspiegel BackgroundSonstiges
Roggero M, Kähler L, Hagen A (2019)
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and EconomicsJournalartikel
Yao B, Neggers S, Rolfs M, Rösler L, Thompson I, Hopman H, Ghermezi L, Kahn R, Thakkar K (2019)
The Journal of NeuroscienceJournalartikel
Dobbek H. (2019)
Structure and Mechanism of Ni- and Fe-containing Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases
World Scientific Publishing Co.
Wang R, Eisenack K, Tan R (2019)
Sustainable rural renewal in China: archetypical patterns.
Ecology and SocietyJournalartikel
Beyer A, Reichetanz P (2019)
Teaching Digital Literacy - Interpretieren in einer computergestützten Lehr-/Lernumgebung
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Rose SB, Aristei S, Melinger A, Abdel Rahman RA (2019)
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and CognitionJournalartikel
Mendelevitch R, Hauenstein C, Holz F (2019)
The Death Spiral of Coal in the USA. Will New U.S. Energy Policy Change the Tide?
Mendelevitch R, Hauenstein C, Holz F (2019)
The death spiral of coal in the U.S.: will changes in U.S. Policy turn the tide?
Climate PolicyJournalartikel
Sandt S, Dallmeier-Tiessen S, Lavasa A, Petras V (2019)
Data Science JournalJournalartikel
van de Sandt S, Dallmeier-Tiessen S, Lavasa A, Petras V (2019)
CODATA Data Science JournalJournalartikel
Neetzow P (2019)
Hagen A, Jaakkola N, Vogt A (2019)
The Interplay Between Expectations and Climate Policy: Compensation for Stranded Assets
R S, T W, J W, M R (2019)
The Joy of Retinal Painting: A Build-It-Yourself Device for Intrasaccadic Presentations.
Fischer F, Jäschke R (2019)
Digital Scholarship in the HumanitiesJournalartikel
Frank RD (2019)
The Social Construction of Risk in Digital Preservation
Journal of the Association for Information Science and TechnologyJournalartikel
Melinger A, Abdel Rahman R (2019)
To re-tune or not to re-tune: Comments on the flexible criterion
Cognitive NeuropsychologyJournalartikel
Beyer A (2019)
Übersetzen - eine komplexe Fähigkeit
Kasymov U, Thiel A (2019)
Understanding the Role of Power in Changes to Pastoral Institutions in Kyrgyzstan
International Journal of the CommonsJournalartikel
Kabisch N., Alonso L., Dadvand P., van den Bosch M. (2019)
Urban natural environments and motor development in early life
Environmental ResearchJournalartikel
Kabisch N., Alonso L., Dadvand P., van den Bosch M. (2019)
Urban natural environments and motor development in early life
Environmental ResearchJournalartikel
Johnston A., Bonn A., Fink D., Ruiz-Gutierrez V., Bonney R., Fernandez M., Hochachka W.M., Julliard R., Kraemer R., Guralnick R., Kelling S. (2019)
Using Semistructured Surveys to Improve Citizen Science Data for Monitoring Biodiversity