Projects (2721)
Zeeman Effect in quantum dots charged with a single electron
Henneberger, Fritz Prof. Dr. sc. nat. (Experimental Physics / Physical Foundations of Photonics)
Duration of project: 07/2003 - 12/2004
Financer: DFG: Gastaufenthalt
Seadle, Michael Prof. (Library Science Specializing in Digital Library)
Duration of project: 08/2009 - 07/2010
Financer: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Wissenschaftliche Studie für das Land Bremen
Köller, Olaf Prof. Dr. (Institute for Quality Management in Education)
Duration of project: 02/2008 - 03/2010
Financer: alte Bundesländer/ Sonstige
Wandke, Hartmut Prof. Dr. sc. nat. (Cognitive Ergonomics / Engineering Psychology)
Duration of project: 04/2011 - 03/2012
Financer: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Grandits, Johannes Prof. Dr. (History of South Eastern Europe)
Duration of project: 01/2021 - 01/2026
Financer: Sonstige Stiftungen
Leser, Ulf Prof. Dr.-Ing. (Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics)
Duration of project: 10/2013 - 09/2014
Financer: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Brauner, Elisabeth Dr. rer. nat. (Social Psychology and Organizational Psychology)
Duration of project: 05/1998 - 12/1998
Financer: DFG: Mischfinanzierung
Friedrich, Bärbel Prof. i. R. Dr. rer. nat. (Microbiology)
Duration of project: 07/2000 - 10/2000
Financer: DFG: Gastaufenthalt
Nolting, Wolfgang Prof. i. R. Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Theoretical Physics / Solid State Theory)
Duration of project: 01/1998 - 12/1998
Financer: Sonstige Mittelgeber
VA: Fundamental Transformations
Kirchner, Christian Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Civil Law, Commercial Law and Economics)
Duration of project: 01/1999 - 12/1999
Financer: Volkswagen-Stiftung (VW)
VA:Forschungsstätten Tierproduktion
Seeland, Gerhard Prof. Dr. agr. (Breeding Methods and Principled Breeding)
Duration of project: 06/1998 - 12/2000
Financer: Mischfinanzierung - Privat
Lüst, Dieter Prof. Dr. rer. nat., habil. (Theoretical Physics / Quantum Field Theory beyond the Standard Model and String Theory)
Duration of project: 09/2000 - 12/2000
Financer: DFG: Mischfinanzierung
Burkhard, Hans-Dieter Prof. i. R. Dr. sc. nat. (Senior Professor and Professors retired)
Duration of project: 03/2011 - 02/2012
Financer: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Urban development in Central Asia
Baldauf, Ingeborg Prof. Dr. phil. (Central Asian Languages and Cultures)
Duration of project: 09/2010 - 09/2010
Financer: DAAD
Unterwater Hearing in the clawed frog, Xenopus
Elepfandt, Andreas Prof. i. R. Dr. rer. nat. (Sensory Biology)
Duration of project: 01/1998 - 07/2008
Unity and Time as Problem in Metaphysics (Event: 26.09.-28.09.07, Berlin)
Runggaldier, Edmund Prof. Dr. phil. (Philosophy of Religion and Catholic World View (Chair sponsored by Guardini Foundation))
Duration of project: 09/2007 - 12/2007
Financer: DFG: Sonstiges
Ernsting, Nikolaus Prof. Ph. D. (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry II)
Duration of project: 03/2001 - 12/2004
Financer: BMBF
Hagedorn, Conrad Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Resource Economics)
Duration of project: 01/2007 - 10/2009
Financer: Europäische Union (EU) - HU als Beteiligte
Moritz, Werner PD Dr. rer. nat. (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry III)
Duration of project: 02/2009 - 03/2010
Financer: DFG: Sachbeihilfe
Moritz, Werner PD Dr. rer. nat. (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry III)
Duration of project: 01/2007 - 03/2009
Financer: DFG: Sachbeihilfe
Tropical diversity - harmonizing human needs and nature
Neubert, Susanne Dr. rer. agr. (Seminar of Advanced Training in Agricultural and Rural Development)
Duration of project: 01/2016 - 12/2016
Financer: DAAD
Nagel, Uwe Jens Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Agricultural Consulting and Communication Studies)
Duration of project: 12/1996 - 08/1999
Financer: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Treatment of inflammatory diseases with filarial cystatin via induction of tolerogenic macrophages
Hartmann, Susanne PD Dr. rer. nat. (Molecular Parasitology)
Duration of project: 01/2008 - 06/2011
Financer: BMBF
Freytag, Johann-Christoph Prof. Ph. D. (Data Bases and Information Systems)
Duration of project: 06/2013 - 05/2014
Financer: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Bruch, Rüdiger vom Prof. Dr. phil. (History of Science Specializing in History of Education and Organisation of Knowledge in the 19th and 20th Century)
Duration of project: 11/2002 - 10/2003
Financer: Sonstige Stiftungen