Publications (2139)
A. Frommer, , K. Kahl, , S. Krieg, , B. Leder, , M. Rottmann, 0
Journal article
Michael Borgolte (1976)
Der Gesandtenaustausch der Karolinger mit den Abbasiden und mit den Patriarchen von Jerusalem
Arbeo Gesellschaft
Hauke P (1982)
Knoll W, Rabe J, Philpott M, Swalen J (1983)
Thin Solid FilmsJournal article
Lösche M, Rabe J, Fischer A, Rucha B, Knoll W, Möhwald H (1984)
Microscopically observed preparation of Langmuir-Blodgett films
Thin Solid FilmsJournal article
Michael Borgolte (1984)
Geschichte der Grafschaften Alemanniens in fränkischer Zeit
Rothenhäusler B, Rabe J, Korpiun P, Knoll W (1984)
Surface ScienceJournal article
Naselli C, Rabe J, Rabolt J, Swalen J (1985)
Thermally induced order-disorder transitions in Langmuir-Blodgett films
Thin Solid FilmsJournal article
Rabolt J, Rabe J, Brown C, Swalen J (1985)
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical EngineeringJournal article
Rabe J, Rabolt J, Brown C, Swalen J (1985)
Thin Solid FilmsJournal article
Rucha B, Rabe J, Schneider G, Knoll W (1986)
Monomolecular lipid layers on thin water films and on solid supports
Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceJournal article
Rabe J, Knoll W (1986)
An ellipsometric method for the characterization of macroscopically heterogeneous films
Optics CommunicationsJournal article
Green J, Rabe J, Rabolt J (1986)
MacromoleculesJournal article
Rabe J, Rabolt J, Brown C, Swalen J (1986)
Journal of Chemical PhysicsJournal article
Michael Borgolte (1986)
Die Grafen Alemanniens in merowingischer und karolingischer Zeit
Eine Prosopographie
Outka D, Stöhr J, Rabe J, Swalen J, Rotermund H (1987)
Orientation of arachidate chains in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers on Si(111)
Journal article
Gradmann S, Pinkwart D (1987)
Über die Benutzung "älterer" Literatur
Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes der Bibliotheken des LandesJournal article
Swalen J, Rabe J, Brown C, Rabolt J (1987)
Structural Modifications of L-B Films: Order-Disorder Transitions and Polymerization
Surface and Colloid Science in Computer Technology
Rabe J, Swalen J, Rabolt J (1987)
Journal article
Smith D, Bryant A, Quate C, Rabe J, Gerber C, Swalen J (1987)
Images of a lipid bilayer at molecular resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy
Journal article
Outka D, Stöhr J, Rabe J, Swalen J (1988)
The orientation of Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers using NEXAFS
Journal article
Rabe J, Novotny V, Swalen J, Rabolt J (1988)
Structure and dynamics in a Langmuir-Blodgett film at elevated temperatures
Thin Solid FilmsJournal article
Rabe J, Sano M, Batchelder D, Kalatchev A (1988)
Polymers on graphite and gold: molecular images and substrate defects
Journal of MicroscopyJournal article
Gradmann S (1988)
Schmidt / Joyce: Anatomy of a Misunderstanding
The Review of Contemporary FictionJournal article
Rabe J, Swalen J, Outka D, Stöhr J (1988)
Thin Solid FilmsJournal article
Novotny V, Swalen J, Rabe J (1989)
Tribology of Langmuir-Blodgett Layers
LangmuirJournal article
Rabe J (1989)
Surface Chemistry with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Rabe J (1990)
Surface-plasmon enhanced resolution in optical microscopy
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Rabe J (1990)
Scanning probes for surface magnetization
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Rabe J, Buchholz S, Ritcey A (1990)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and FilmsJournal article
Rabe J (1990)
Moving single atoms and breaking chemical bonds
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Rabe J (1990)
Planar Array of Atomic Scale Tunneling Diodes
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Bloor D, Hanack M, Méhauté AL, Lazzaroni R, Rabe J, Roth S, Sasabe H (1990)
Working Group Report on Molecular Electronic Prospects
Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Molecular Electronics
Conference proceedings article
Rabe J, Buchholz S (1990)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy at the Polymer-Metal Interface
Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Molecular Electronics
Rabe J (1991)
Tunneling microscopy in Baltimore
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Buchholz S, Rabe J (1991)
Conformation, Packing, Defects and Molecular Dynamics in Monolayersof Dialkyl-Substituted Benzenes
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology BJournal article
Rabe J, Buchholz S (1991)
Journal article
Buchholz S, Fuchs H, Rabe J (1991)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology BJournal article
Gradmann S (1991)
Small and beautiful? Some remarks on evaluating microcomputer based library systems
Classification, data analysis, and knowledge organization. Models and methods with applications
Gradmann S (1991)
Small and beautiful? Some remarks on evaluating microcomputr based library systems
Classification, data analysis, and knowledge organization. Models and methods with applications ; University of Marburg, March 12 - 14, 1990
Rabe J, Buchholz S (1991)
Fast nanoscale modification of Ag(111) using a scanning tunneling microscope
Applied Physics LettersJournal article
Rabe J, Buchholz S (1991)
Molecular structure and dynamics in monolayers of long chain alkanes and alkyl‐derivatives
Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular SymposiaJournal article
Rabe J, Buchholz S (1991)
Commensurability and mobility in two-dimensional molecular patterns on graphite
ScienceJournal article
Buchholz S, Fuchs H, Rabe J (1991)
Advanced MaterialsJournal article
Lazzaroni R, Calderone A, Lambin G, Rabe J, Brédas J (1991)
A theoretical approach to the STM imaging of adsorbates on the graphite surface
Synthetic MetalsJournal article
Gradmann S (1992)
Katalogisierung mit dem PC. Datenbankgestützte Systeme für die Verarbeitung bibliographischer Daten
Hentschke R, Askadskaya L, Rabe J (1992)
Journal article
Rabe JP (1992)
Molecular Imaging with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Proceedings IMO Symposium Fall'90 Scanning Microscopy
Conference proceedings article
Hentschke R, Schürmann B, Rabe J (1992)
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Alkane Mono- and Multilayers Adsorbed on Graphite
ACS Polymer Preprints
Conference proceedings article
Rabe J, Buchholz S, Askadskaya L (1992)
Direct Observation of Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Self-Assembled Organic Monolayers by STM
ACS Polymer Preprints
Conference proceedings article
Rabe JP (1992)
Characterization and Modification of Molecular Materials by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Nanostructures Based on Molecular Materials
Rücker M, Knoll W, Rabe J (1992)
Surface-plasmon-induced contrast in scanning tunneling microscopy
Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal article
Butt H, Guckenberger R, Rabe J (1992)
Quantitative scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning force microscopy of organic materials
Journal article
Eng L, Fuchs H, Buchholz S, Rabe J (1992)
Ordering of didodecylbenzene on graphite: a combined SFM/STM study
Journal article
Rabe J (1992)
Molecules at interfaces: STM in materials and life sciences
Journal article
Buchholz S, Rabe J (1992)
Molecular Imaging of Alkanol Monolayers on Graphite
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in EnglishJournal article
Hentschke R, Schürmann B, Rabe J (1992)
Molecular dynamics simulations of ordered alkane chains physisorbed on graphite
Journal article
Askadskaya L, Rabe J (1992)
Anisotropic molecular dynamics in the vicinity of order-disorder transitions in organic monolayers
Journal article
Tracz A, Wegner G, Rabe J (1993)
LangmuirJournal article
Hentschke R, Schürmann B, Rabe J (1993)
Journal article
Lambin G, Delvaux M, Calderone A, Lazzaroni R, Brédas J, Clarke T, Rabe J (1993)
Synthetic MetalsJournal article
Wimmer U (1993)
Projektbeschreibung (Retrokonversion : Methoden, Verfahren, Kosten)
Wimmer U (1993)
Winds of Change are blowing hard: German Libraries after the Unification
LibliJournal article
Michael Borgolte (1993)
„Totale Geschichte“ des Mittelalters? – Das Beispiel der Stiftungen
Antrittsvorlesung, 2. Juni 1992
Lambin G, Delvaux M, Calderone A, Lazzaroni R, Bredas J, Clarke T, Rabe J (1993)
Synthetic MetalsJournal article
Pakula T, Tracz A, Wegner G, Rabe J (1993)
Journal article
Rabe J (1993)
Structure, Dynamics and Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures Observed by STM
Atomic and Nanometer-Scale Modification of Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Rabe J, Buchholz S, Askadskaya L (1993)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Chain Molecules at Solid-Fluid Interfaces
Physica ScriptaJournal article
Askadskaya L, Boeffel C, Rabe J (1993)
Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische ChemieJournal article
Lambin G, Delvaux M, Calderone A, Lazzaroni R, Bredas J, Clarke T, Rabe J (1993)
A Quantum Chemical Approach to the STM Imaging of Organic Molecules on Graphite
Journal article
Cincotti S, Rabe J (1993)
Self-assembled alkane monolayers on MoSe2 and MoS2
Applied Physics LettersJournal article
Rabe J, Buchholz S, Askadskaya L (1993)
Scanning tunnelling microscopy of several alkylated molecular moieties in monolayers on graphite
Synthetic MetalsJournal article
Schwinn T, Gaub HE, Rabe JP (1994)
Supramolecular structures and dynamics of organic adsorbate layers at the solid-liquid interface
Supramolecular ScienceJournal article
Cincotti S, Rabe JP (1994)
Substrate induced ordered structures in monomolecular adlayers
Supramolecular ScienceJournal article
Benson O, Raithel G, Walther H (1994)
Quantum jumps of the micromaser field: Dynamic behavior close to phase transition points
Phys. Rev. Lett.Optics LettersJournal article
Wimmer U (1994)
Controlling für Öffentliche Bibliotheken: Wegweiser zu einer effizienten Steuerung
Rabe JP (1994)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Molecular Electronics
An Introduction to Molecular Electronics
Heinz R, Stabel A, Rabe JP, Wegner G, Schryver FC, Corens D, Dehaen W, Säling C (1994)
Journal article
Klempin H, Wimmer U (1994)
Controlling für Öffentliche Bibliotheken
Stabel A, Rabe JP (1994)
Scanning tunnelling microscopy of alkylated oligothiophenes at interfaces with graphite
Synthetic MetalsJournal article
Heinz R, Stabel A, Rabe J, Wegner G, De Schryver F, Corens D, Dehaen W, Süling C (1994)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in EnglishJournal article
Gradmann S (1994)
Der Norddeutsche Bibliotheksverbund. Genese und Entwicklungsperspektiven
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB)Journal article
Hauke P (1994)
Jahrbuch der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken
Wimmer U (1994)
Hilfen zur kommunalen Bibliotheksentwicklungsplanung
Bibliotheksentwicklungsplanung von unten gegen Bibliotheksabwicklungspläne von obenJournal article
Maslova NS, Oreshkin AI, Panov VI, Savinov SV, Kalachev AA, Rabe JP (1995)
STM evidence of dimensional quantization on the nanometer size surface defects
Solid State CommunicationsJournal article
Heinz R, Rabe JP (1995)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of Sulfide and Alkanethiolate Adlayers on Ag(111)
LangmuirJournal article
Stabel A, Dasaradhi L, O'Hagan D, Rabe JP (1995)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Imaging of Single Fluorine Atom Substitution in Stearic Acid
LangmuirJournal article
Stabel A, Heinz R, De Schryver FC, Rabe JP (1995)
Ostwald ripening of two-dimensional crystals at the solid-liquid interface
Journal article
Bäuerle P, Fischer T, Bidlingmeier B, Rabe JP, Stabel A (1995)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in EnglishJournal article
Stabel A, Herwig P, Müllen K, Rabe JP (1995)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in EnglishJournal article
Tracz A, Kalachev AA, Wegner G, Rabe JP (1995)
LangmuirJournal article
Cincotti S, Burda J, Hentschke R, Rabe JP (1995)
Physical Review EJournal article
Heinz R, Rabe JP (1995)
LangmuirJournal article
Gradmann S (1995)
Von Hamburg nach Göttingen. Zur Migration des Norddeutschen Bibliotheksverbundes
Mitteilungsblatt der Bibliotheken in Niedersachsen und Sachsen-AnhaltJournal article
Gradmann S (1995)
MAB2, UNIMARC, US-Marc. Strategische Überlegungen zur Formatdiskussion
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB)Journal article
Schirmbacher P (1995)
Thesen zur künftigen Struktur der DV-Versorgung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und KommunikationJournal article
Schirmbacher P (1995)
Die Aufgaben von Rechenzentren beim Aufbau und der Pflege elektronischer Informationssysteme
cms-JournalJournal article
Wimmer U (1995)
Rechtsformänderung: Allheilmittel oder Kosmetik?
Verwaltungsreform: Bibliotheken stellen sich der Herausforderung
Wimmer U (1995)
Worum geht es bei der Verwaltungsreform?
Verwaltungsreform: Bibliotheken stellen sich der Herausforderung
Wimmer U (1995)
Öffentliche Bibliotheken im Spannungsfeld von kultureller Aufgabe und Verwaltungsreform: Protokoll der 42. Fachkonferenz der Staatlichen Büchereistellen in Deutschland
Conference proceedings article