Projects (9859)
Zoglauer, Kurt Prof. Dr. sc. nat. (Botany and Arboretum)
Duration of project: 03/2012 - 03/2016
Financer: BMBF
VA: DGPhil Kongress 2017 (DFG-Mittel)
Perler, Dominik Prof. Dr. (Theoretical Philosophy)
Duration of project: 06/2017 - 12/2017
Financer: DFG: Mischfinanzierung
DAAD Sachmittel- und Betreuungskostenzuschuss für Ana Carolina Schveitzer
Eckert, Andreas Prof. Dr. phil. (African History)
Duration of project: 10/2018 - 09/2022
Financer: DAAD
Das Ereignis des Virtuosen: Paganini und das Pariser Konzertleben (1830-40)
Bork, Camilla Dr. phil. (Historical Musicology)
Duration of project: 10/2012 - 09/2015
Financer: DFG: Eigene Stelle (Sachbeihilfe)
Stanat, Petra Prof. Dr. (Institute for Quality Management in Education)
Duration of project: 11/2012 - 11/2012
Financer: DFG: Sonstiges
Domestic Servants in Colonial South Asia
Eckert, Andreas Prof. Dr. phil. (African History)
Duration of project: 10/2015 - 09/2018
Financer: Europäische Union (EU) - HU als Beteiligte
Marek, Michaela Prof. Dr. (Art History of Eastern Europe)
Duration of project: 09/2013 - 08/2015
Financer: Sonstige Bundesministerien
Forschungskooperation Bewegungsforschung
Arampatzis, Adamantios Prof. Dr. (Trainings and Movement Sciences)
Duration of project: 04/2013 - 12/2021
Financer: Sonstige Stiftungen
Hahn, Kristin M.A. (Department of European Ethnology) / Jacobeit, Sigrid Prof. Dr. (European Ethnology I)
Duration of project: 10/2017 - 10/2018
Financer: Mittel von Hochschulgesellschaften
Metall-Kooperation bei der Disauerstoff-Aktivierung in molekularen Siloxid-Komplexen
Limberg, Christian Prof. Dr. (Inorganic and General Chemistry I)
Duration of project: 01/2018 - 06/2022
Financer: DFG: Sachbeihilfe