Publications (106)
Nikolay N, Mendelson N, Sadzak N, Bö}hm F, Trong T, Sontheimer B, Aharonovich I, Benson O (2019)
Very Large and Reversible Stark-Shift Tuning of Single Emitters in Layered Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Phys. Rev. AppliedJournal article
Bogers T, Dodson S, Freund L, Gäde M, Hall MM, Koolen M, Petras V, Pharo N, Skov M (2019)
Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-Use (BIIRRR 2019)
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019)
Conference proceedings article
Beyer A, Schulz K (2019)
Wortschatzerwerb im Lateinunterricht
Ilina Y., Lorent C., Katz S., Jeoung J.H., Shima S., Horch M., Zebger I., Dobbek H. (2019)
Angewandte Chemie International EditionJournal article
Jeoung JH, Martins BM, Dobbek H (2019)
X-Ray Crystallography of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases
Methods Mol BiolJournal article
Beyer A, Kipf S, Liebsch A, Zimmermann S (2019)
Zwischen Aktualität und historischer Forschung: Entwicklungstendenzen in der Fachdidaktik Latein
Forum ClassicumJournal article