Projects (9861)
Klocke, Ulrich (Social Psychology and Organizational Psychology)
Duration of project: 05/2024 - 05/2025
Financer: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
DBU Stipendium - Sachmittelkostenzuschuss
Haase, Dagmar Prof. Dr. (Landscape Ecology and Biogeography)
Duration of project: 07/2020 - 06/2023
Financer: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
CEF-EDSSI European Digital Student Service Infrastructure
Molnár, Tamás Dr. (Direction)
Duration of project: 09/2020 - 08/2022
Financer: Europäische Union (EU) - HU als Beteiligte
Sasse, Ada Prof. Dr. (Elementary School Education Specializing in the Teaching of German)
Duration of project: 04/2016 - 12/2017
Financer: Land Thüringen
Workshop Project Task Force EU network Bio-Objects and their boundaries
Bock von Wülfingen, Bettina Dr. phil. (Cultural Theory Specializing in Gender Issues and History)
Duration of project: 06/2012 - 08/2012
Financer: Sonstige internationale öffentliche Mittelgeber
Engels, Christoph Prof. Dr. (Plant Nutrition)
Duration of project: 01/2018 - 12/2023
Financer: Land Brandenburg
Kätzel, Ralf Prof. Dr. habil. (Urban Plant Ecophysiology) (Urban Plant Ecophysiology) / Ulrichs, Christian Prof. Dr. Dr.
Duration of project: 02/2017 - 07/2020
Financer: Land Brandenburg
Facheinschätzungen für die Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales
Baer, Susanne Prof. Dr. (Public Law and Gender Studies)
Duration of project: 08/2014 - 12/2017
Financer: Land Berlin - Andere
ECHY: Wissenschaft in der Stadt
Metzler, Gabriele Prof. Dr. (History of Western Europe and Transatlantic Relationships)
Duration of project: 01/2018 - 12/2019
Financer: Land Berlin - Andere
Entwicklung der Grundlagen für ein nationales Monitoring des Tierwohls - Teilprojekt 8
Hillmann, Edna Prof. Dr. (Animal Husbandry)
Duration of project: 06/2020 - 07/2023
Financer: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food