Publications (105)
Wimmer U (2016)
Strategien für die Bibliothek als Ort : Festschrift für Petra Hauke zum 70. Geburtstag
Ciaccafava A., Tombolelli D., Domnik L., Fesseler J., Jeoung J., Dobbek H., Mroginski M., Zebger I., Hildebrandt P. (2016)
Chemical ScienceJournal article
Stiller (ed.) J (2016)
White Paper on Best Practices for Multilingual Access to Digital Libraries
Shi Q, Sontheimer B, Nikolay N, Schell AW, Fischer J, Naber A, Benson O, Wegener M (2016)
Wiring up pre-characterized single-photon emitters by laser lithography
Scientific ReportsJournal article
Kater C, Jäschke R (2016)
You Shall Not Pass: Detecting Malicious Users at Registration Time
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Online Safety, Trust and Fraud Prevention
Conference proceedings article