Projects (9857)
HORTINLEA - SP7b Meal Culture in market trends and consumption habits
Bauhardt, Christine Prof. Dr. phil. (Gender and Globalisation, particularly with regard to Transformation Processes in Rural Area)
Duration of project: 07/2013 - 12/2018
Financer: BMBF
Kraß, Andreas Prof. Dr. (Early German Literature / Literature of the High Middle Ages)
Duration of project: 10/2019 - 02/2022
Financer: DFG: Sachbeihilfe
Einstein Stiftung, Programm "Wissenschaftsfreiheit"
Steinsdorff, Silvia von Prof. Dr. (Comparative Political Sciences and Political Systems of Eastern Europe) / Tombus, Hasan Ertug Dr. (Comparative Political Sciences and Political Systems of Eastern Europe)
Duration of project: 10/2018 - 12/2020
Financer: Einstein Stiftung Berlin
Klein, Nadja Prof. Dr. (Statistik and Data Science)
Duration of project: 08/2020 - 03/2023
Financer: Volkswagen-Stiftung (VW)
Wildt, Michael Prof. Dr. (German History of the 20th Century)
Duration of project: 01/2014 - 02/2014
Financer: Sonstige Bundesmittel (keine Ministerien)
Deutsch-kaukasische Sommerschule „Europäisches Strafrecht“
Heger, Martin Prof. Dr. (Criminal Law / Criminal Procedural Law / European Criminal Law and Modern Law History)
Duration of project: 04/2014 - 12/2014
Financer: DAAD
Berufliche Weiterbildung in Volkshochschulen. Zugänge zum Lebenslangen Lernen
Gieseke, Wiltrud Prof. i. R. Dr. (Senior Professor and Professors retired) / Hippel, Aiga von Prof. Dr. (Adult and Continuing Education) / Stimm, Maria Dr. phil (Adult and Continuing Education)
Duration of project: 04/2018 - 06/2021
Financer: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Arampatzis, Adamantios Prof. Dr. (Trainings and Movement Sciences)
Duration of project: 01/2015 - 12/2018
Financer: Bundesverwaltungsamt - HU als Unterauftragnehmerin
Thomas Cranmer als theologisch-liturgischer Reformer der englischen Kirche
Wendebourg, Dorothea Prof. Dr. (Early Modem and Modem History of Christianity)
Duration of project: 05/2015 - 06/2018
Financer: DFG: Sachbeihilfe
Kraß, Andreas Prof. Dr. (Early German Literature / Literature of the High Middle Ages)
Duration of project: 04/2020 - 02/2022
Financer: DFG: Sachbeihilfe