Publications (91)
Nikolay N, Sadzak N, Dohms A, Lubotzky B, Abudayyeh H, Rapaport R, Benson O (2018)
Accurate placement of single nanoparticles on opaque conductive structures
Applied Physics LettersJournal article
Fieder N, Wartenburger I, Abdel Rahman R (2018)
A close call: Interference from semantic neighbourhood density and similarity in language production
Memory and CognitionJournal article
T B, R S, TL W, M R (2018)
All is not lost: Post-saccadic contributions to the perceptual omission of intra-saccadic streaks.
Consciousness and CognitionJournal article
Kianinia M, Bradac C, Sontheimer B, Wang F, Tran TT, Nguyen M, Kim S, Xu Z, Jin D, Schell A, Lobo C, Aharanovich I, Toth M (2018)
All-optical control and super-resolution imaging of quantum emitters in layered materials
Nature CommunicationsJournal article
Beyer A (2018)
Anspruch und Wirklichkeit in lateinischen Lehrbuchtexten
Oberlack C, Eisenack K (2018)
Archetypical barriers to adapting water governance in river basins to climate change
Journal of Institutional EconomicsJournal article
Assembayevaa M, Egererb J, Mendelevitch R, Zhakiyeva N (2018)
A spatial electricity market model for the power system: The Kazakhstan case study
EnergyJournal article
Stiller J, Trkulja V (2018)
Assessing Digital Skills of Refugee Migrants during Job Orientation in Germany
Transforming Digital Worlds. iConference 2018
Conference proceedings article
Trkulja V, Stiller J (2018)
Assessing Digital Skills of Refugee Migrants during Job Orientation in Germany
Jeoung J., Dobbek H. (2018)
ATP-dependent substrate reduction at an [Fe8S9] double-cubane cluster
Beyer A, Schulz K (2018)
CALLIDUS: Natural Language Processing and Empirical Studies for Teaching Latin
Feltynowski M., Kronenberg J., Bergier T., Kabisch N., Łaszkiewicz E., Strohbach M. (2018)
Challenges of urban green space management in the face of using inadequate data
Urban Forestry and Urban GreeningJournal article
Feltynowski M., Kronenberg J., Bergier T., Kabisch N., Łaszkiewicz E., Strohbach M. (2018)
Challenges of urban green space management in the face of using inadequate data
Urban Forestry and Urban GreeningJournal article
Hillebrandt V (2018)
Charakteristika nationaler Forschungsbedingungen. Ansätze einer Modellbildung.
Information-Wissenschaft und PraxisJournal article
Kabisch N., Haase D., Elmqvist T., McPhearson T. (2018)
BioscienceJournal article
Kabisch N., Haase D., Elmqvist T., McPhearson T. (2018)
BioscienceJournal article
Richter P, Mendelevitch R, Jotzo F (2018)
Coal Taxes as Supply-Side Climate Policy: A Rationale for Major Exporters?
Climatic ChangeJournal article
Sadzak N, Héritier M, Benson O (2018)
Coupling a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Nanodiamond to Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
Scientific ReportsJournal article
Stiller J, Thoden K (2018)
Create impact with your eHumanities and eHeritage research (PARTHENOS Webinar)
Beyer A (2018)
Das Lateinlehrbuch aus fachdidaktischer Perspektive: Theorie, Analyse, Konzeption
Winter Verlag
Beyer A (2018)
Das Lateinschulbuch der Zukunft!?
Beyer A, Liebsch A (2018)
Das (Sprach-)Lehrbuch und inklusiver Fachunterricht am Beispiel Latein
Inklusion im Dialog
Foster J, McLeod J, Nolin J, Greifeneder E (2018)
Data work in context: Value, risks, and governance
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)Journal article
Metzler G (2018)
Der Staat der Historiker: Staatsvorstellungen deutscher Historiker seit 1945
Beyer A (2018)
Design-orientierte Forschung: Sprachbildung im Lateinunterricht – Theorie praxisnah
Pegasus-OnlinezeitschriftJournal article