Publications (71)
White A, Rolfs M (2015)
A common cortical detection mechanism for perception and movement.
Journal of VisionJournal article
Rall E., Kabisch N., Hansen R. (2015)
Ecosystem ServicesJournal article
Rohr L, Abdel Rahman R (2015)
Affective responses to emotional words are boosted in communicative situations
NeuroImageJournal article
Stiller J, Petras V (2015)
A framework for classifying and comparing interactions in cultural heritage information systems
Cultural Heritage Information: Access and management
Leganovic O, Schmitt V, Stiller J, Thoden K, Wintergrün D (2015)
Szinte M , Carrasco M , Cavanagh P , Rolfs M (2015)
Attentional trade-offs maintain the tracking of moving objects across saccades.
Journal article
Rolfs M (2015)
Attention in Active Vision: A Perspective on Perceptual Continuity Across Saccades
PerceptionJournal article
Barucker C, Bittner H, Chang P, Cameron S, Hancock M, Liebsch F, Hossain S, Harmeier A, Shaw H, Charron F, Gensler M, Dembny P, Zhuang W, Schmitz D, Rabe JP, Rao Y, Lurz R, Hildebrand P, McKinney R, Multhaup G (2015)
Scientific ReportsJournal article
Dash J, Trawny D, Rabe JP, Reissig H (2015)
SYNLETTJournal article
Dietz O, Kewes G, Neitzke O, Benson O (2015)
Physical Review AJournal article
Stiller J, Petras V, Gäde M, Isaac A (2015)
Cultural Analytics - Evaluating Cultural Heritage Information Systems
iConference 2015
Conference proceedings article
Talyzin A, Klechikov A, Korobov M, Rebrikova A, Avramenko N, Gholami M, Severin N, Rabe JP (2015)
Delamination of graphite oxide in a liquid upon cooling
NanoscaleJournal article
Trawny D, Schlexer P, Steenbergen K, Rabe JP, Paulus B, Reissig H (2015)
ChemPhysChemJournal article
Beyer A (2015)
Design-orientierte Forschung: Sprachbildung durch Latein?
Tanne J., Jeoung J.H., Peng L., Yarman A., Dietzel B., Schulz B., Schad D., Dobbek H., Wollenberger U., Bier F.F., Scheller F.W. (2015)
ElectroanalysisJournal article
Puhl J, Andorfer P, Höckendorff M, Schmunk S, Stiller J, Thoden K (2015)
Diskussion und Definition eines Research Data LifeCycle für die digitalen Geisteswissenschaften
DARIAH-DE Working PapersJournal article
Kabisch N. (2015)
Land Use PolicyJournal article
Bruno M, Finkenrath J, Knechtli F, Leder B, Sommer R (2015)
Effects of Heavy Sea Quarks at Low Energies
Phys.Rev.Lett.Journal article
Wimmer U (2015)
o-bib. Das offene BibliotheksjournalJournal article
Rösler L, Rolfs M, der Stigchel SV, Neggers SFW, Cahn W, Kahn RS, Thakkar KN (2015)
Journal of NeurophysiologyJournal article
Greifeneder E, Hauke P, Umlauf K, Petras V (2015)
De Gruyter Saur
Schell A, Takashima H, Kamioka S, Oe Y, Fujiwara M, Benson O, Takeuchi S (2015)
Highly Efficient Coupling of Nanolight Emitters to a Ultra-wide Tunable Nanofibre Cavity
Scientific ReportsJournal article
Fesseler J., Jeoung J., Dobbek H. (2015)
How the [NiFe4S4] Cluster of CO Dehydrogenase Activates CO2 and NCO-
Angewandte Chemie International EditionJournal article
Schirmbacher P (2015)
BIBLIOTHEK Forschung und PraxisJournal article
Neitzke O, Morfa A, Wolters J, Schell A, Kewes G, Benson O (2015)
Nano LettersJournal article
Finkenrath J, Knechtli F, Leder B (2015)
Isospin Effects by Mass Reweighting
Kewes G, Schoengen M, Mazzamuto G, Neitzke O, Schö}nfeld R, Schell AW, Probst J, Wolters J, Lö}chel B, Toninelli C, Benson O (2015)
Key components for nano-assembled plasmon-excited single molecule non-linear devices
arXivJournal article
Weber C, Liebig T, Gensler M, Pithan L, Bommel S, Bléger D, Rabe JP, Hecht S, Kowarik S (2015)
Light-controlled "molecular zippers" based on azobenzene main chain polymers
MacromoleculesJournal article
Rose S, Spalek K, Abdel Rahman R (2015)
PLoS ONEJournal article
Dara A., Terekhov A., Frühauf M., Kraemer R., Prishchepov A., Müller D., Kuemmerle T., Radeloff V. (2015)
Environmental Research LettersJournal article
Gensler M, Eidamshaus C, Galstyan A, Knapp E, Reissig H, Rabe JP (2015)
Mechanical rupture of mono- and bivalent transition metal complexes in experiment and theory
Journal of Physical Chemistry CJournal article
Gensler M, Eidamshaus C, Taszarek M, Reissig H, Rabe JP (2015)
Beilstein Journal of Organic ChemistryJournal article
Suess F, Abdel Rahman R (2015)
Mental imagery of emotions: Electrophysiological evidence
NeuroImageJournal article
Rajasekharan R, Kewes G, Djalalian-Assl A, Ganesan K, Tomljenovic-Hanic S, McCallum J, Roberts A, Benson O, Prawer S (2015)
Scientific ReportsJournal article
Barth C, Wolters J, Schell A, Probst J, Schoengen M, Lö}chel B, Kowarik S, Benson O (2015)
Miniaturized Bragg-grating couplers for SiN-photonic crystal slabs
Optics ExpressJournal article
Lawrenz F, Lange P, Severin N, Rabe JP, Helm C, Block S (2015)
Morphology, mechanical stability, and protective properties of ultrathin gallium oxide coatings
LangmuirJournal article
Qiao Y, Polzer F, Kirmse H, Kirstein S, Rabe JP (2015)
Nanohybrids from nanotubular J-aggregates and transparent silica nanoshells
Chemical CommunicationsJournal article
Severin N, Gienger J, Scenev V, Lange P, Sokolov I, Rabe JP (2015)
Nanophase separation in monomolecularly thin water-ethanol films controlled by graphene
Nano LettersJournal article
Qiao Y, Polzer F, Kirmse H, Steeg E, Kühn S, Friede S, Kirstein S, Rabe JP (2015)
Nanotubular J-aggregates and quantum dots coupled for efficient resonance excitation energy transfer
ACS NanoJournal article
Kurniasih I, Liang H, Mohr P, Khot G, Rabe JP, Mohr A (2015)
Nile red dye in aqueous surfactant and micellar solution
LangmuirJournal article
Merrouch M., Hadj-Saïd J., Domnik L., Dobbek H., Léger C., Dementin S., Fourmond V. (2015)
O2 Inhibition of Ni-Containing CO Dehydrogenase Is Partly Reversible
Chemistry - A European JournalJournal article
Kuhlicke A, Rylke A, Benson O (2015)
Nano LettersJournal article
Zoller D, Doerfel S, Jäschke R, Stumme G, Hotho A (2015)
On Publication Usage in a Social Bookmarking System
Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference
Conference proceedings article
Bruch C, Kindling M, Mruck K, Schobert D, Voigt M (2015)
Herzog U (2015)
Physical ReviewJournal article
Greifeneder E (2015)
Outliers are the better participants
In: Stefanie Elbeshausen, Gertrud Faaß, Joachim Griesbaum, Ben Heuwing, Julia Jürgens (Ed.), HIER WorkshopJournal article
Koolen M, Bogers T, Gäde M, Hall MA, Huurdeman HC, Kamps J, Skov M, Toms E, Walsh D (2015)
Overview of the CLEF 2015 Social Book Search Lab
CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum
Conference proceedings article
Gäde M, Hall MM, Huurdeman HC, Kamps J, Koolen M, Skov M, Toms E, Walsh D (2015)
Overview of the SBS 2015 Interactive Track
CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum
Conference proceedings article
Greifeneder, E. (2015)
Papierlose Wissenschaft: Bibliotheken und der Wandel der Informationsgesellschaft.
Bibliothek Forschung PraxisKnechtli F, Bruno M, Finkenrath J, Leder B, Sommer R (2015)
Perturbative versus non-perturbative decoupling of heavy quarks