Publications (121)
Dietz F, Petras V (2017)
A Component-Level Analysis of an Academic Search Test Collection. Part II : Query Analysis
8th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2017
Conference proceedings article
Dietz F, Petras V (2017)
8th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2017
Conference proceedings article
Roggero M, Thiel A (2017)
Journal of Institutional EconomicsJournal article
Petras V, Stiller J (2017)
A Decade of Evaluating Europeana - Constructs, Contexts, Methods & Criteria
21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2017
Conference proceedings article
Petras V, Stiller J (2017)
A decade of evaluating Europeana
Berry P., Breil M., Nita M., Geneletti D., Calfapietra C., Raymond C., Frantzeskaki N., Kabisch N. (2017)
A framework for assessing and implementing the co-benefits of nature-based solutions in urban areas
Environmental Science and PolicyJournal article
Berry P., Breil M., Nita M., Geneletti D., Calfapietra C., Raymond C., Frantzeskaki N., Kabisch N. (2017)
A framework for assessing and implementing the co-benefits of nature-based solutions in urban areas
Environmental Science and PolicyJournal article
Roggero M (2017)
All in the same boat: externalities, interdependence and the commons of Venice lagoon
Maritime StudiesJournal article
Bogers T, Petras V (2017)
An In-Depth Analysis of Tags and Controlled Metadata for Book Search
iConference 2017
Conference proceedings article
Vetter A, Chrischillis E, Eisenack K, Kind C, Mahrenholz P, Pechan A (2017)
Anpassung an den Klimawandel als neues Politikfeld
Klimawandel in Deutschland. Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven
Greifeneder E, Schlebbe K (2017)
Apples vs oranges or two fruits? Level of detail in literature reviews
iConference 2017 Proceedings
Conference proceedings article
Assembayeva A, Egerer R, Mendelevitch R, Zhakiyev N, Berlin D (2017)
A Spatial Electricity Market Model for the Power System of Kazakhstan
Hauke P, Kaufmann A, Petras V (2017)
Bibliothek. Forschung für die Praxis. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Konrad Umlauf zum 65. Geburtstag
De Gruyter
Hagen A, Schneider J, Economics D, Oldenburg U (2017)
Boon or Bane? Trade Sanctions and the Stability of International Environmental Agreements
Hillebrand V (2017)
brain drain der europäischen Informationswissenschaft
Information - Wissenschaft & PraxisJournal article
Ciaccafava A., Tombolelli D., Domnik L., Jeoung J.H., Dobbek H., Mroginski M.A., Zebger I., Hildebrandt P. (2017)
Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase Reduces Cyanate to Cyanide
Angewandte Chemie International EditionJournal article
Ohl S, Rolfs M (2017)
Chances and challenges for an active visual search perspective
The Behavioral and brain sciencesJournal article
S O, M R (2017)
Chances and challenges for an active visual search perspective.
The Behavioral and brain sciencesJournal article
Schröter M., Kraemer R., Mantel M., Kabisch N., Hecker S., Richter A., Neumeier V., Bonn A. (2017)
Citizen science for assessing ecosystem services: Status, challenges and opportunities
Ecosystem ServicesJournal article
Kunze C., Bommer M., Hagen W., Uksa M., Dobbek H., Schubert T., Diekert G. (2017)
Cobamide-mediated enzymatic reductive dehalogenation via long-range electron transfer
Nature CommunicationsJournal article
Domnik L., Merrouch M., Goetzl S., Jeoung J.H., Léger C., Dementin S., Fourmond V., Dobbek H. (2017)
CODH-IV: A High-Efficiency CO-Scavenging CO Dehydrogenase with Resistance to O2
Angewandte Chemie International EditionJournal article
Kasymov U, Hamidov A (2017)
SustainabilityJournal article
Faghani A, Donskyi I, Fardin Gholami M, Ziem B, Lippitz A, Unger W, Böttcher C, Rabe JP, Haag R, Adeli M (2017)
Angewandte Chemie - International EditionJournal article
Faghani A, Donskyi IS, Gholami MF, Ziem B, Lippitz A, Unger WES, Böttcher C, Rabe JP, Haag R, Adeli M (2017)
Journal article
Aristei S, Zwitserlood P, Abdel Rahman R (2017)
Frontiers in PsychologyJournal article