Bottom-up Solution Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons with Precisely Engineered Nanopores

Journal article

Publication Details

Author list: Niu W., Fu Y., Serra G., Liu K., Droste J., Lee Y., Ling Z., Xu F., Cojal González J.D., Lucotti A., Rabe J.P., Ryan Hansen M., Pisula W., Blom P.W.M., Palma C.A., Tommasini M., Mai Y., Ma J., Feng X.

Journal: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Publication year: 2023

Volume number: 62

Issue number: 35

Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag

ISSN: 1433-7851

eISSN: 1521-3773

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202305737


Languages: English-Great Britain


The incorporation of nanopores into graphene nanostructures has been demonstrated as an efficient tool in tuning their band gaps and electronic structures. However, precisely embedding the uniform nanopores into graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) at the atomic level remains underdeveloped especially for in-solution synthesis due to the lack of efficient synthetic strategies. Herein we report the first case of solution-synthesized porous GNR (pGNR) with a fully conjugated backbone via the efficient Scholl reaction of tailor-made polyphenylene precursor (P1) bearing pre-installed hexagonal nanopores. The resultant pGNR features periodic subnanometer pores with a uniform diameter of 0.6 nm and an adjacent-pores-distance of 1.7 nm. To solidify our design strategy, two porous model compounds (1 a, 1 b) containing the same pore size as the shortcuts of pGNR, are successfully synthesized. The chemical structure and photophysical properties of pGNR are investigated by various spectroscopic analyses. Notably, the embedded periodic nanopores largely reduce the π-conjugation degree and alleviate the inter-ribbon π–π interactions, compared to the nonporous GNRs with similar widths, affording pGNR with a notably enlarged band gap and enhanced liquid-phase processability.


Last updated on 2023-14-09 at 13:50