Practical implementation and evaluation of a quantum-key-distribution scheme based on the time-frequency uncertainty

Journal article

Publication Details

Author list: Leifgen M, Elschner R, Perlot N, Weinert C, Schubert C, Benson O

Journal: Physical Review A

Publication year: 2015

Volume number: 92

Issue number: 042311



We implement a quantum-key-distribution protocol which works in analogy to the BB84 protocol with two discrete states each in frequency and time. Its security relies on the frequency-time uncertainty. We show how the protocol is realized with commercial telecom components and discuss technical constraints of existing equipment. In order to evaluate the performance and the security of the protocol against specific attacks we explore quantitatively a large set of parameters. Based on these studies we suggest how further enhancement of security can be obtained with existing technology.


Last updated on 2022-09-09 at 16:45