CALLIDUS – Korpusbasierte, digitale Wortschatzarbeit im Lateinunterricht


Details zur Publikation

Autor*innen: Beyer A, Schulz K

Buchtitel (aus Quelle): Der Digital Turn in den Altertumswissenschaften

Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2020

Serientitel: Digital Classics Books

Herausgeber*innen: Maier F, Chronopoulos S

Verlag: Propylaeum-eBooks




Referring to a research project the authors elaborate the idea of a corpus-based approach for Latin vocabulary acquisition in schools and universities. This approach is supported by a newly developed software which applies both linguistic methods and knowledge (e. g. distributional semantics, association measures, mental lexicon) as well as requirements for a user-friendly software design. The purpose of this approach is the learner's improvement of information retrieval from the mental lexicon in varying contexts.

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2022-20-01 um 21:00