When information sharing becomes an event: An example of Private-Public Film Screenings

Journal article

Publication Details

Author list: Davis S, Greifeneder E

Journal: In: Information Wissenschaft Praxis

Publication year: 2015

Volume number: 66

Issue number: 1

DOI: 10.1515/iwp-2015-0007

URL: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/iwp.2015.66.issue-1/iwp-2015-0007/iwp-2015-0007.xml?rskey=0Cu62M&result=1


Private-Public Screenings is a new film distribution method aimed specifically at connecting people. Its purpose is to provide a film to private persons free of charge and encourage them to share the film in a public way, so that sharing information becomes a social activity. This research investigated the extent of openness of these events. It examined whether or not people who host Private-Public Screenings actually make them public. Results of a survey among 135 hosts of a recent run of Private-Public Screenings show that people have indeed opened their homes to strangers for the purpose of creating an event and sharing a film.


Last updated on 2020-24-05 at 19:58