BCCN: Establishing a digital platform for China knowledge exchange - fostering teaching and research collaborations

English project description
China now plays such a central role in global affairs that learning about China—both how it works within its borders and also how its influence manifests abroad—is a topic of growing importance. We are observing a fundamental shift in global power forged by the high-tech revolution and meteoric economic rise of China. This joint BUA infrastructure will combine the interdisciplinary expertise of scholars among BUA partners to examine how the tech’tonic plates are beginning to shift and the implications for China and the world.

The platform will draw upon the creation of a recent network: the Berlin Contemporary China Network (BCCN). BCCN is a joint initiative by researchers at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, and the Technische Universität Berlin. It was co-founded by Prof. Sarah Eaton (HU Berlin) and Prof. Genia Kostka (FU Berlin) in 2021 with the goal of creating a cross-institutional network for China scholars in Berlin. BCCN has organized more than 15 digital talks in 2021, providing a lively platform for exchange. On average, between 100 and 200 people attended these online BCCN speaker events. In fall 2021, the online lecture series on “Contentious Politics in China” attracted particularly widespread attention. These events helped to realize BCCN’s goal to foster exchange among Berlin-based scholars. Yet, as BCCN has only a very basic website, it has been challenging to engage in structured knowledge exchange and collaborative research and teaching due to a missing joint interactive infrastructure platform.

In order to have meaningful knowledge exchange and foster collaborate research and teaching projects, we aim to implement an interactive digital China platform that allows for:

a) An online interactive knowledge sharing platform for scholars and PhDs working on China at BUA institutions
b) Sharing joint class materials among BUA partners
c) Knowledge sharing to a wider public
d) Carry out an expert workshop

Principal investigators
Eaton, Sarah Prof. Dr. (Details) (Transregional Studies of China)

Participating external organisations

Berlin University Alliance (BUA)

Duration of project
Start date: 07/2022
End date: 06/2023

Research Areas
Political Science

Research Areas

Last updated on 2024-10-12 at 16:18