EU: HIgh ACCuracy printed electronics to <1μm, for OLAE TFT and Display Applications (HI-ACCURACY)

HI-ACCURACY aims to deliver the next generation of OLAE printed materials and processing technologies for organic TFTs and TFT backplanes as well as Electroluminescent QLED stacks to submicron feature size. HI-ACCURACY aims to achieve dynamic print registration accuracy (<300nm), highly uniform (<5% variation) and thin layers (<50nm) with all processing temperatures <150°C and at a deposition/area rate hitherto unachievable.
The technology developments focus on inherently scalable electrostatic deposition technologies and Imprint Lithography (IL) in combination with developments of a range of cutting-edge materials, including: Organic Semi-conductors, nano-scale Ag and Cu inks and electroluminescent QLED stack materials combined with multilayer organic barrier layers. The unique approach will achieve organic p-type semiconductor mobility of 10-20cm2V-1s-1 (beyond current limit of ~5cm2V-1s-1) and width-normalised contact resistance of the order 50 Ω.cm to achieve high switching frequencies >1MHz, significantly beyond currently achievable frequencies of 10’s of kHz (for the 10’s of micron channel length devices made by printing), ultimately opening up large and exciting global markets. The overall TRL will increase from TRL3 to 5 during the 5-year project.
The demonstrators produced on the pilot lines will produce oTFT structures and Active Matrix backplane on flexible polymer substrates and an RGB AMQLED display with brightness 300–500cd/m² utilizing solution processing. These structures will be tested against end-user specifications for automotive smart, interactive dashboards; printed automotive antenna and amplifiers for broadcast, GNSS and/or 5G-V2X services and smart displays (including wearables).
HI-ACCURACY is an ambitious project representing a pan-European EU consortium of world leading industrial and research partners with 2 large automotive end-user partners and a further two multinational display manufacturers who will sit on an Steering Committee.

List-Kratochvil, Emil J. W. Prof. Dr. (Details) (Experimentelle Physik, Hybride Bauelemente)

Verbundprojekte (Horizon 2020)

Projektstart: 04/2020
Projektende: 09/2023

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2023-22-02 um 06:05