F.A. Mann (1907-1991) and his Contribution to the Development of English, German, European, and International Law

This project will use the extensive corpus of documents, bequeathed to the Humboldt University, of Frederick Alexander ("Francis") Mann (1907-1991) to explore how Mann influenced the development of English, German, European, and international law right up to the present day. Mann counts as one of the most significant jurists of the 20th century. A deeper engagement with the life and work of this "frontier jurist", who crossed borders between legal disciplines as well as jurisdictions, promises important impulses for current legal research, particularly in the law of money, conflict of laws, international law, arbitration law, and studies of the transnationalisation of law. It is also significant for the biographical study of German Jewish jurists. The Principal Investigators will pursue this research agenda together with a group of Co-Investigators from Europe and abroad and with the support of a doctoral student.

Principal investigators
Allen, Jason Dr. LL.M. (Details) (British Legal, Economic and Social Structures)
Dannemann, Gerhard Prof. Dr. MA (Oxon) (Details) (British Legal, Economic and Social Structures)

Further project members
Bateman, Will Dr. LL.M. (Cantab) (Australian National University)
Burda, Michael C. Prof. Ph. D. (Details) (Economic Theory II)
Eisenberg-Ditt, Christiane Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Christiane Eisenberg (Details) (British History since the Restoration)
Goldmann, Matthias Junior Professor Dr. LL.M. (New York) (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Hofmann, Christian Dr. LL.M. (NYU/NUS) (National University of Singapore)
Kemmerer, Alexandra LL.M. eur (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law)
Koskenniemi, Martti Professor Dr. (University of Helsinki)
Lastra, Rosa María Professor Dr. LL.M. (Harvard) (Queen Mary University of London)
Peters, Anne Professor Dr. LL.M. (Harvard) (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law)
Proctor, Charles LL.D. (Queen Mary University of London)

DFG Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators

Duration of project
Start date: 01/2020
End date: 09/2023

Research Areas

Research Areas
Gesellschaftsgeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Rechtswissenschaften

Last updated on 2025-16-01 at 12:27