Embodied and situated language processing / The Attentive listener in the visual world 2019

This year, Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) and The Attentive Listener in the Visual World (AttLis) will be combined into a single three-day conference taking place in Berlin, Germany, and it will be organized by the the university's psycholinguistics group.

The conference combines the twelfth ESLP, which focuses on the interaction between language and sensorimotor processing across disciplines and methods, and the sixth AttLis, which focuses on language processing in the context of rich visual contexts.

This joint conference will have two foci:
- socially situated language processing: How does the social and cultural environment influence language processing? What is the time course of integration for social cues / socially relevant contextual information? Which linguistic phenomena can benefit from a socially situated analysis? What is the effect of socially situated cues of speaker meaning (e.g., eye-gaze, facial expression) on language comprehension? What is the effect of characteristics of a speaker / comprehender that signal group membership (e.g., register, social status, etc.) on (real-time) language understanding? How can we integrate the social and cultural context into our theories and computational models of language processing?
- language-vision interactions examined using the Visual World Paradigm: How can this paradigm help us further our understanding of language processing as well as its interaction with other cognitive abilities? What are suitable methods to analyze data generated with this paradigm? What current modifications of the paradigm are being used to study (socially) situated language processing?

Knoeferle, Pia Prof. Dr. (Details) (Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen: Psycholinguistik)

DFG sonstige Programme

Projektstart: 08/2019
Projektende: 08/2019

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2025-16-01 um 10:49