Kritische Edition altlitauischer Kleintexte vom Überlieferungsbeginn bis 1700

The project aims at editing all shorter Old Lithuanian texts known to date and making them accessible for future research. We include all texts comprising up to 1.000 words from the beginning of written transmission to the year 1700. These much-neglected texts span a wide range of subject areas, genres and aims, from legal matters and (secular or religious) administrative texts to prayers and hymns, praise poems and macaronic poems, but also glosses and citation words found within larger historical, geographical or ethnographical works.
The main focus is on a scholarly edition of these texts with commentaries on both language and subject matter. Each text will be translated into German and accompanied by any known German, Polish or Latin source texts. Both as to linguistic and historic aims the project will go well beyond a mere text edition. The texts will be classified, described and placed within their religious, political, legal or historical context. Questions of text transmission will be treated in detail. The linguistic treatment moreover comprises a complete index of words and forms and a grammatical survey, which is intended as a first step towards a historical grammar of Old Lithuanian based on actually attested forms.
The results will be published as a three-volume print edition (edition, facsimile, and a lexicon volume with grammar and indexes). Moreover, the index of words and forms is planned to be made into a separate webbased corpus and online reference tool by ANNIS.

Principal investigators
Hock, Wolfgang Prof. Dr. phil. (Details) (Historical-Comparative Linguistics)
Feulner, Anna Helene PD Dr. (Details) (Historical-Comparative Linguistics)

DFG Individual Research Grant

Duration of project
Start date: 12/2019
End date: 02/2023

Research Areas
Historical Linguistics, Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Areas
Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft

Last updated on 2025-15-01 at 21:36