Erster Teilhabeforschungs-Kongress - Projekte der Teilhabeforschung
The "1. Participation Research Congress" (09.2019) will bring together researchers* from different scientific communities to profile participation research as an interdisciplinary research programme. The congress will focus on theoretical perspectives as well as methodological and methodological questions of participation research, which will be presented and discussed in plenary lectures, forums, workshops and poster presentations. Special attention will be paid to the exchange between science, practice and people with disabilities and their advocacy groups. The congress will promote research on the living conditions of people with disabilities in Germany from the perspective of participation and contribute to a stronger networking of scientific communities that have so far been largely separate. How participatory participation research with the active involvement of people with disabilities can succeed and what added value it offers is a key focus of the congress. The results of the congress will be documented and published in a two-volume reference book (Wansing, Gudrun; Schäfers, Markus; Köbsell, Swantje (eds.) (2021): Teilhabeforschung - Einführung in ein neues Forschungsfeld. VS Verlag).
It is planned to develop the "Teilhabeforschungs-Kongress" into a brand and establish it as a regular scientific forum for participation researchers in Germany.
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Duration of project
Start date: 02/2019
End date: 03/2022