A right to urban living space? Analyses from christian social ethics

From the perspective of christian social ethics the question of the appropriateness of living space and its availability in urban and metropolitan areas and the ethical justification of an individual right to publicly guaranteeing urban living space is examined.

Wustmans, Clemens Dr. (from 10/2020 to 09/2022) (Details) (Systematic Theology Specializing in Ethics and Hermeneutics)

Further project members
Meireis, Torsten Prof. Dr. (from 10/2019 to 09/2022) (Details) (Systematic Theology Specializing in Ethics and Hermeneutics)

Participating organisational units of HU Berlin

DFG Individual Research Grant

Duration of project
Start date: 10/2019
End date: 09/2022

Last updated on 2025-15-01 at 21:03