Determinants of resilience towards radicalization in adolescence – Development of an intervention toolkit to strengthen resilience against right-wing extremist and radical-islamist ideologies during adolescence
Self-affirmation interventions are a powerful tool to improve a variety of positive outcomes, e.g. in
educational or health-related contexts. In this research project, we aim to apply the ideas of self-affirmation
theory to a different area, i.e. the prevention of Islamist and right-wing extremist
radicalization in youth. Adolescence brings with it a broad range of stressors and potential identity
threats (e.g. belonging to a visible minority or deprivation experiences). Turning to radical ideologies
and groups might provide an appealing, yet maladaptive way to cope with such ‘threats towards the
self’. Within a school setting, the planned project aims to explore the effectiveness of a self-affirmation
intervention in increasing adolescents’ resilience against radicalization by buffering the threats
emanating from radicalization-related risk factors and circumstances and thus complement existing
civic education-centered programs.
BMFSFJ - Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Duration of project
Start date: 07/2019
End date: 12/2022
Research Areas
Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Social Sciences
Research Areas
Pädagogische Kurzinterventionen, Radikalisierungsprävention, Self-Affirmation Theorie