DFG Research Grant: Mussel-Inspirit Polymerization: The Enzyme Free Route of an Tyrosinase Activated Polymerization

Objective of the research proposal is the investigation of an enzyme free route as alternative to the recently established tyrosinase-activated polymerization of oligopeptides, which was leading to artificial mussel glue proteins with remarkable adhesive and coating properties. The utilization of organic-chemical means instead of a selective enzyme, enables broadening the chemical space of polymerizable oligomers. No constrains are limiting the peptide sequences, as the peptide is not required to meet good substrate properties for tyrosinase. Moreover, the polymerizable oligomers are not even restricted to the class of peptides and thus fully synthetic segments will be employed.

Principal investigators
Börner, Hans Prof. Dr. (Details) (Organic Synthesis of Functional Systems)

DFG Individual Research Grant

Duration of project
Start date: 03/2020
End date: 02/2024

Research Areas
Polymer Materials

Last updated on 2025-15-01 at 21:48