RESZ - Verbundvorhaben: GartenLeistungen - Urbane Gärten und Parks: Multidimensionale Leistungen für ein sozial, ökologisch und ökonomisch nachhaltiges Flächen- und Stoffstrommanagement - Teilvorhaben 3: Stadtklima
Eleven partners are working together in the "GartenLeistungen" project to investigate the significance and value of public green spaces for sustainable urban development and to record the diverse services provided by gardens and parks to urban society.
Green spaces in the city fulfil many functions: In addition to providing a habitat for urban animals and a recreational area for people, urban greenery regulates the run-off of precipitation and the formation of groundwater. In addition, green spaces have a positive effect on the urban climate by improving thermal comfort and contributing to the reduction of heat stress risks by producing cold air.
Duration of project
Start date: 04/2019
End date: 06/2022
Research Areas
Physical Geography
Research Areas