Increasing productivity and sustainability of European plant protein production by closing the gap of the grain legume yield
The LegumeGap project will contribute in this direction by identifying the potential contribution of new cultivars, optimal management practices and farmers’ knowledge in closing the yield and protein gaps, reducing the observed yield variability, and optimizing the environmental performance of legume production in Europe. We will focus on two key representative legumes: faba and soya bean, due to their growing popularity, broad adaptability and high protein concentration. A systems approach will be employed, where biophysical and behavioural limitations, opportunities, and their interaction are taken into account, in combination with modern Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in relation to climate change. Based on this innovative approach we will reveal the different components that lead to unstable productivity of legumes, analyse the possibilities of germplasm for future breeding and develop resilient cropping systems, in order to enhance the sustainable intensification of European agriculture.
Participating organisational units of HU Berlin
Participating external organisations
Duration of project
Start date: 05/2019
End date: 12/2022
Research Areas
Research Areas