New Sales Markets for Fermentation Products Through Agglomeration With Secondary Materials; Sub-Project 2: An Economic Analysis

The overall objective of the joint project is to create alternative marketing channels for the regional marketing of upgraded fermentation products from agricultural biogas plants in the non-agricultural sector. The project is based on three fields of activity:

(1) Technology: Use of the built-up agglomeration as a process technology for the novel processing of fermentation products to fertilizer agglomerates for use in hobby and commercial horticulture as well as in horticulture and landscaping
(2) Product: Functionalisation of the fertiliser agglomerates through aggregates, functional core and layer formation to increase added value and adaptation to customer and product requirements
(3) Market: Assessment of the economic viability of a regional biogas plant network as a model

The aim of the economic analysis is to evaluate the economic viability of the production of fertilizer agglomerates from fermentation products under different framework conditions. Based on a market potential analysis, the resulting product requirements and a business, investment and financing plan, an action strategy will be developed. It provides the framework for the implementation of the project.

Principal investigators
Mithöfer, Dagmar Prof. Dr. (Details) (Food Chain Management)

Sonstige Bundesmittel (keine Ministerien)

Duration of project
Start date: 02/2019
End date: 12/2020

Research Areas
Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Sociology

Research Areas
Erneuerbare Energien

Last updated on 2022-07-09 at 19:08