CRC 1349/1: Indigo Switch for the Quantification of Fluorine-Specific Interactions (SP C01)

In this project indigo derivatives with (partially) fluorinated residues will be synthesized and the equilibrium (ratio of E and Z isomers) as well as the thermal half-life of the photogenerated meta-stable Z isomer will be measured under various conditions (solvent, temperature). In collaboration with groups from theory and spectroscopy, comprehensive insight into the energetics and dynamics of Fluorine-Specific Interactions will be gained and indigo derivatives will be optimized with regard to their switching behaviour.

Principal investigators
Hecht, Stefan Prof. (Details) (Organic Chemistry and Functional Materials)

DFG Collaborative Research Centre

Duration of project
Start date: 01/2019
End date: 12/2022

Research Areas
Natural Sciences, Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation

Research Areas
Organische Chemie und Funktionale Materialien

Last updated on 2025-16-01 at 12:18