CRC 1349/1: Indigo Switch for the Quantification of Fluorine-Specific Interactions (SP C01)
In this project indigo derivatives with (partially) fluorinated residues will be synthesized and the equilibrium (ratio of E and Z isomers) as well as the thermal half-life of the photogenerated meta-stable Z isomer will be measured under various conditions (solvent, temperature). In collaboration with groups from theory and spectroscopy, comprehensive insight into the energetics and dynamics of Fluorine-Specific Interactions will be gained and indigo derivatives will be optimized with regard to their switching behaviour.
Participating external organisations
DFG Collaborative Research Centre
Duration of project
Start date: 01/2019
End date: 12/2022
Subproject of
Research Areas
Natural Sciences, Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Research Areas
Organische Chemie und Funktionale Materialien