Visual Functions, Functional Vision and Educational Intervention in a Case of Right Hemispherectomy

By neuro-psychological assessment, evaluation of medical history, oberservations and interviews the effect of surgical removal of the right half of the brain in a 16year-old girl (surgery with 8 years) on visual-cognitive, visual spatial, and visual-motor behavior should be analysed. A central question is, if special educational intervention has contributed to normal development of the child.

Principal investigators
Nater, Paul Prof. Dr. paed. (Details) (Education of the Blind and the Visually Impaired)

Duration of project
Start date: 11/2008
End date: 07/2009

Dissertation "Visual Functions, Funtional Vision and Educational Intervention in a Case of Right Hemispherectomy"

Last updated on 2022-07-09 at 19:05