Students’ Conceptions of Models and Modelling
To research the quality of students’ conceptions, we collect data on students’ relevant mental concepts of models and modelling in semi-structured interviews. Simultaneously, we assemble established scientific conceptions from academic literature and employ the approach of educational reconstruction to contrast students with scientists’ conceptions of models, modelling and the scientific use of models. We align these two strands to produce appropriate guidelines to foster model competence through conceptual reconstruction of students’ conceptions (Kattmann 2007).
Duration of project
Start date: 04/2007
End date: 04/2012
Research Areas
conceptual reconstruction, Model Competence, Modelle, Modellkompetenz, Modellverständnis, Models, Schülervorstellungen, scientific literacy
Trier, U. & A. Upmeier zu Belzen (2009): „Die Wissenschaftler nutzen Modelle, um etwas Neues zu entdecken, und in der Schule lernt man einfach nur, dass es so ist.“ –Schülervorstellungen zu Modellen. In: Krüger, D., A. Upmeier zu Belzen, S. Hof, K. Kremer & J. Mayer (Hrsg.): Erkenntnisweg Biologiedidaktik 8. 23-37.