International perspectives of schooling pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD)
The project aims at an analysis of the current developments and trends in the international discussion of the field of SEBD education. Difficult social behaviour and emotional confusion and derangement confronts school and educators with a difficult task. The multifactorial problems of SEBD demand multimodal concepts of prevention and intervention, inter-agency working, and professional collaboration within the system of mental health and educational services. From this starting position, the international perspectives of special education support systems are examined to find effective ways in schooling pupils with SEBD - with a minimum of separate placement and as inclusive as possible.
Duration of project
Start date: 06/2006
End date: 12/2012
Willmann, Marc (2007). The forgotten schools Current status of special schools for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in Germany: A complete national survey. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 12 (4), 299-318.
Willmann, Marc (2008). Grenzen der schulischen Integration von Schülern mit Gefühls- und Verhaltensstörungen in den USA. Erscheint in: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik.
Willmann, Marc (2009). Schulische Integration in den USA und in Deutschland.
Überlegungen zu einem Systemvergleich der sonderpädagogischen
Unterstützungssysteme. In: Alois Bürli, Urs Strasser & Anne-Dore Stein
(Hrsg.), Integration / Inklusion aus internationaler Sicht (S. 240-252). Bad
Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.