Workshop Beyond Decentralization: Implications of Change in Natural Resource Governance for Sustainability and Rural Livelihoods - Case Studies in Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan (Veranstaltung: 17.01. - 18.01.2008, Äthiopien)

Workshop on Beyond Decentralization: Implications of Change in Natural Resource Governance for Sustainability and Rural Livelihoods - Case Studies in Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan , January 17-18, 2007;
Project Summary: Cognizant of the unprecedented problems of natural resource degradation under state ownership and centralized management, governments of African countries are increasingly promoting decentralization of resource management. However, the widening gap between expected and real outcomes requires a new strategy for effective decentralization that focuses on capacity building. Starting from this challenge, the project attempts to enhance academic qualification and managerial skills and thus open up new perspectives for the design and implementation of improved policies. The project intends to develop a concept stimulating interdisciplinary research which will serve as an instrument for improving MSc and PhD training programs. This combined strategy aims at following objectives: to understand the policies, processes, and contexts; strengthen the training and research capacity of participating universities from Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan, and establish a network among the participating universities that ensures sustainability and promotes pro-active dialogue between teachers, students, researchers and development practitioners within a transdisciplinary framework. It will provide MSc students registered in Alemaya University, Makerere University and University of Khartoum with opportunities to attend courses in regional collaborative programs, offer research sponsorships and study visits to German Universities for PhD students. Special attention will be given to female students from SSA countries in the participating universities.

Principal investigators
Hagedorn, Conrad Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Details) (Resource Economics)


Duration of project
Start date: 01/2008
End date: 01/2008

Last updated on 2025-27-01 at 15:56