Soil degradation in Southeast Asia

The project aims at identifying regionally differentiated policy approaches for the reduction of soil degradation in Southeast Asia. To this end, a typology of land use systems is developed using multivariate data analysis. Based on this, critical patterns of socio-economic and natural factors of soil degradation are identified. The empirical foundation of the model using geo-referenced data is the base for the simulation of policy and development scenarios. GIS (geographic information system) allows for a cartographic representation of model results.

Principal investigators
Kirschke, Dieter Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. (Details) (Agricultural Politics)

DFG: Sachbeihilfe

Duration of project
Start date: 09/2001
End date: 02/2005

Research Areas
Bodenerosion, GIS, multivariate Analyse

Last updated on 2022-07-09 at 21:05