Ancient Christian Apocrypha: Revised Edition of Wilhelm Schneemelcher, Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, 6th Edition, Tübingen 1990 (New Testament Apocrypha, Cambridge/Louisville, KY 1991)

The project supervised by Prof. Dr. Christoph Markschies (Humboldt-University, Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter (since 2006) (University Leipzig) is dedicated to a completely new edition of the Collection of apocryph Christian Literature started by Edgar Hennecke in 1904.
Wilhelm Schneemelcher, the keen scholar in the field of New Testament and Patristic study, edited and revised the third and fifth edition (= sixth edition) of this issue: Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung, hg. v. Wilhelm Schneemelcher, 6. Auflage der von Edgar Hennecke begründeten Sammlung, 1. Bd. Evangelien, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1990. English Translation: New Testament apocrypha, the collection initiated by Edgar Hennecke. Ed. by Wilhelm Schneemelcher. Engl. transl. ed. by R. McL. Wilson, 2. ed., Vol. 1 Gospels and related writings, Cambridge: Clarke 1991.
The characteristic of this standard edition is preserved even if the issue bears a new name. The texts of the Christian Apocrypha are given in translation. Short introductions, commentaries, and bibliographies demonstrate the current results of research. Keen scholars revise every part, some contributions - for example the Secret Evangelium of Marc - are gained. But there will be further innovated development by incorporating the impulses of the French research in the field of Apocrypha.

Principal investigators
Markschies, Christoph Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. (Details) (Ancient History of Christianity)

Duration of project
Start date: 04/2004
End date: 12/2010

Christoph Markschies, "Neutestamentliche Apokryphen" - Bemerkungen zu Geschichte und Zukunft einer von Edgar Hennecke im Jahr 1904 begründeten Quellensammlung, in: Apocrypha. Revue International des Littératures Apocryphes 9, 1998, S. 97-132.

Last updated on 2022-22-12 at 04:05