City Discourses
The project investigates the literature about London in the widest possible notion of literature. The research is focussed on the immense variety of attempts to come to terms with the tremendous complexity of this city, past and present. It analyses the strategies of description, fictionalization, historical reconstruction that have been adopted to cope with it. Two articles have ben published in the period under consideration. An article about London in postmodern discourses will be published shortly in the Journal for the Study of British Cultures.
ohne Mittelgeber
Duration of project
Start date: 01/2001
End date: 12/2004
"Die Macht der Bilder - Bilder der Macht. London im Zielkreuz postmoderner Stadtdiskurse" in: Die inszenierte Start. Zur Praxis und Theorie kultureller Konstruktionen, Berlin Verlag Arno Spritz GmbH, Berlin 2001, 143-155; "London: Tomorrow's Yesterday, Future Images of the Past" in: After Images od the City, hrsg. v. Joan Ramon Resina und Dieter Ingenschay, Cornell University Press, Ithaca 2003, 49-60.