Cultural (Ex)Change: Anglo-French Relations in the 17th Century

The project focuses on Anglo-French relations in the 17th century. The concept of cultural exchange and cultural transfer , originally developed in a Franco-German academic context, is adapted and used for Anglo-French relations. Special attention is paid to the role that literary texts in the widest sense play for processes of cultural exchange. Sources include literary texts such as letters, plays and poems, but also images, documents and other material.

Principal investigators
Stedman, Gesa Prof. Dr. (Details) (British Literature and Culture)

ohne Mittelgeber

Duration of project
Start date: 09/2002
End date: 12/2006

Ingrid Kasten, Gesa Stedman und Margarete Zimmermann (Hg.), Kulturen der Gefühle in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. (Querelles - Jahrbuch für Frauen und Geschlechterforschung VII). Metzler:Stuttgart/Weimar 2002. Gesa Stedman (Hg.), Englische Frauen der Frühen Neuzeit.Dichterinnen, Malerinnen, Mäzeninnen. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft:Darmstadt 2001. "Reading Corinne is an epoch in every woman's life - Germaine de Stael in England", in: Ulrike Schneider/Andrew Johnston (Hg.), Anglo-Romanische Kulturkontakte, Dahlem University Press: Berlin 2002, 84-113 [zusammen mit Roswitha Böhm]; "Where is the shade of the worthy Christine today?' Alice Kemp-Welch's Early Feminist Reading of the Book of the Duke of True Lovers", in: Angus J. Kennedy et al. (Hg.), Contexts and Continuities: Proceedings of the IVth International Christine de Pizan Colloqium, Glasgow: Glasgow University Press 2002, Bd. 3, 829-841. "Channel Crossings: Zum Verhältnis französischer und englischer Autorinnen des 19. Jahrhunderts", in: Renate Kroll/Margarete Zimmermann (Hg.), Gender Studies in den Romanischen Literaturen: Revisionen, Subversionen, dipa:Frankfurt a.M. 1999, 256-276.

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 01:09