SFB 447 II-III: Repräsentation und Kinästhetik - Deixis und Lage (Teilprojekt A 1)
This project will consider the relationship between performative acts and the way they are presented and surpassed in the 'Schauraum' of literary texts. The term 'Schauraum' captures the idea that early vernacular literature is integrated into a culture of performance, in which the body functions as the main vehicle and integrative medium for sensorially experienced spatial relations. Within this culture it engenders - falling back on the tradition and methods of body-memory - performative strategies. The theatricality of mnemonic means refers to the dynamic nature of the text, to the text 'in action', which goes beyond mere imagery and thus seems to be appropriately captured by the term 'kinaesthetics'.
Duration of project
Start date: 01/2002
End date: 12/2007
Research Areas
Vergleiche die Schriftenverzeichnisse von Horst Wenzel und der Mitarbeiter unter http://www2.hu-berlin.de/literatur > Bereich "ältere deutsche Literatur"