The influence of electromagnetic fields on cognitive performance

The research project aims to prove the influence of electromagnetic fields generate on using a handy on cognitive performance. Subjects had to read sentences and test words. After reading they had to decide if the test word was part of sentence or not. Sentences and test words are related or not related. The cognitive effort on decision was manipulated by the type and the typicality of the relation between sentence and test word. During the task the subjects were exposed an electromagnetic field comparable to electric fields during using a handy. The exposition was realized on the left or the right ear. In a further conditions (controls) were exposed no electromagnetic field. The subject and the researcher didn´t know which condition was realized. The data were analyzed by multiple MANOVAs.

Principal investigators
Beyer, Reinhard PD Dr. sc. nat. (Details) (Cognitive Psychology)

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung

Duration of project
Start date: 08/2001
End date: 01/2002

Beyer, R., Kaul, G., Ruppe, I. & Stummvoll, B. (2003): Die Anwendung eines Messwiederholungsplanes zur Prüfung spezifischer Bedingungswirkungen (z.B. elektromagnetischer Felder) auf elementare kognitive Prozesse beim Sprachverstehen. In B. Krause (Hrsg.): Zentrum für empirische Evaluationsmethoden. Reihe wiss. Veranstaltungen, Band 2, 43-60.

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 01:07