The European Network for the Development of Experimental Economics and ist Application to Research on Institutions and Individual Decision Making

The aim of the project is to promote experimental economics as an important field in economic science through education of young researchers and through research cooperations between different european universities. The project is focussed on decision making of individuals and groups facing economic decision problems. Topics are e.g.: markets, auctions, labour market institutions, payment schemes, public goods, risk and uncertainty, emotions in decision making, learning behavior.

Principal investigators
Ivanova-Stenzel, Radosveta Dr.rer.pol. (Details) (Economic Theory III)

Europäische Union (EU) - HU als Beteiligte

Duration of project
Start date: 03/1998
End date: 03/2003

Research Areas
decision making, experimental economics, games, groups, individuals, markets

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 01:05