Utilization and Protection of Agricultural Ecosystems in Central Asian High Mountains – Case Study Kyrgyz Alpine Pastures
The teaching and research cluster contains two parts:
– The interdisciplinary study program “Sustainable Land Use“ will be offered for selected students of the Kyrgyz National Agriculture University. Study courses are held as intensive courses at KNAU in spring and autumn by lecturers of LGF. Within the program 49 ETCS can be accumulated.
– The research is focused on interactions between soil, plant and animals in alpine pasture of a bounded aria. The production potentials as well as the vulnerability of this pasture system will be investigated. Based on the outcome of research recommendations for pasture management will be developed.
Kaufmann, Otto Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Details) (Livestock Industries and Techniques in Animal Handling)
Duration of project
Start date: 01/2012
End date: 09/2015