Risk Management under Climate Change in Developing Countries

Climate change affects the livelihoods of the rural population and poses challenges for food security and economic development of developing countries. The risk coping options in these countries are limited due to the lack of sufficient financial resources to invest in technological improvements at the farm level as well at the agricultural sector level.
Dr. Bobojonov plans to investigate the possibility of increasing risk coping strategies of farmers in Uzbekistan and Syria via investigating the potential of novel insurance products.
He will work on this project in the Farm Management Group of Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin during the fellowship period. He will develop innovative insurance products in cooperation with members of the Farm Management Group.
The insurance products developed in the scope of his project will help increasing the climate change adaptation capacity of farmers in Uzbekistan and Syria.

Odening, Martin Prof. Dr. agr. habil. (Details) (Allgemeine Betriebslehre des Landbaus)

ohne Mittelgeber

Projektstart: 08/2011
Projektende: 07/2012

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2022-08-09 um 03:07