Civic Engagement at Schools - An empirical study of structures, performance and the self-image of booster clubs at schools

The key objective of the research project is to study booster clubs at state schools, focusing on three central dimensions: In terms of their special structures as voluntary associations, who and what is involved in booster clubs at state schools (question concerning organizational structure)? How do booster clubs contribute to the success of individual and collective educational processes in a school setting (question concerning the range of services and profile)? How do booster clubs see themselves in terms of their organization, in particular with respect to educational equality in a school setting and educational disadvantage among students (question concerning organizational culture)?

Principal investigators
Braun, Sebastian Prof. Dr. (Details) (Sport Sociology)


Duration of project
Start date: 07/2011
End date: 02/2013

Braun, Sebastian, Hansen, Stefan & Langner, Ronald (2013). Bürgerschaftliches Engagement an Schulen. Eine empirische Untersuchung über Schulfördervereine. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 03:06