Integration of ethnic minorities in the creative industries in Berlin Turkish entrepreneurs in the design, visual and art industry
Empirical research about diversification in ethnic minority businesses (EMB) is growing (i.e. Smallbone et. al. 2005 for London, Baycan-Levent et. al. 2006 for Europe; Baycan-Levent et. al. 2007 for the Netherlands). For the last years one could notice a diversification in EMB in Berlin as well. The appearance of ethnic minorities in Berlin ´s creative industries is a quite new emergence but rarely studied. Based on qualitative interviews with turkish entrepreneurs and experts this paper gives a first overview over turkish entrepreneurs in different submarket of the creative industries - design, visual and art industry in Berlin. Along different aspect as migration, integration, education, career, creative industries, income and everyday life it is possible to provide an insight into the Lebenswelt of creative turkish minority businesses. Furthermore specific characteristics of creative turkish minority businesses should be explored with regard to the creative industries and ´usual´ EMB in Berlin.
Duration of project
Start date: 01/2007
End date: 08/2009