Sensor based evaluation and modeling of animal reactions

The advancement of a bilateral change of persons between the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences of the Szent István University in Gödööllö (Hungary) and the Agricultural- Horticultural Faculty (Department for agricultural crop and animal science) of the Humboldt University to Berlin is applied. The aim of the involvement of three postgraduate and two students is to promote scientific offspring. The scientific balance point lies on the developing of modeling appendage and method for implementation of animal reaction data in the production process. In both task group are analysis planed on different animal species and in different housing systems; intensive dairy cattle housing, extensive mother cow housing, pig housing and extensive sheep housing. In line with the Precision Livestock Farming gives the opportunity to capture and evaluate objectively animal behavior and its changing, for this reason to use them as indicators and decision guidance in the production process. The appliance such systems assure in different computer based animals housings an individual and accurate in time animal control and animal monitoring for health and well-being. The transfer of persons is also a preparation to create new questions and projects for a application for a EU research project based on the results

Principal investigators
Kaufmann, Otto Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Details) (Livestock Industries and Techniques in Animal Handling)


Duration of project
Start date: 01/2010
End date: 11/2011

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 05:07