Network for research and knowledge transfer on the adaptation of grazing systems for cattle and sheep to climate change

The superordinate aim of the project is to use existing and in the process of the project newly added knowledge to provide basic information on adaptation strategies to climate change for agricultural practices, services to agriculture, companies in the upstream and downstream, professional associations and political institutions. In order to analyse the effects of climate change and to be able to make predictions, we have to consider soils, plants and the animals and their interactions in the ecosystem. The expected changes of climate parameters (temperature, annual rainfall, rainfall distribution) and a higher incidence of extreme climate (enduring heat, torrential rain, hail) have an impact on meadows, pastures and grazing animals. During the term of the project an information pool will be developed, which makes available basics for knowledge of adaptation strategies to the climate change used by grazing systems.

Principal investigators
Kaufmann, Otto Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Details) (Livestock Industries and Techniques in Animal Handling)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Duration of project
Start date: 05/2009
End date: 04/2014

Last updated on 2025-16-01 at 12:47