Faith in the city

Faith in the city

The project identifies insecurity as one of the key challenges facing urban youth today – across different socio-demographic backgrounds. This uncertainty includes the fact that young people have to design their life projects under the influence of economic crisis and restructuring and cannot assume that they will escape the poverty of their parents, retain ingenuity of their parents or be able to reproduce the cultural capital of their parents. Against this background, the collaborative research project examines the nature of urban socialities that arise here and the way in which young urban dwellers shape their urban future. This includes analysing the current renegotiation of (in)dependencies by young people and (dis- or mis)trust in relationships that range from relationships with (half) relatives, strangers and institutions. In comparative case studies, the research project focuses on new ways of intergenerational coexistence that transgress ideas of nuclear families.

Principal investigators
Blokland, Talja Prof. Dr. (Details) (Urban and Regional Sociology)

Sonstige privatorganisierte öffentliche Mittelgeber

Duration of project
Start date: 09/2013
End date: 07/2015

Last updated on 2022-08-09 at 11:06