Taking snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation: simultaneous X-ray spectroscopy and crystallography
The objective of this project is to study the overall protein structure and dynamics, as well as the chemical structure and dynamics of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of the Photosystem II membrane bound protein, that catalyses the light-driven water oxidation reaction in nature. We plan to elucidate the mechanism of the OEC by which water is oxidized to dioxygen using the expertise among the collaborators. We combine crystallography, that probes the overall protein structure and its changes, with X-ray spectroscopy, that probes the local environment (Mn and Ca) of the OEC.
Sonstige internationale öffentliche Mittelgeber
Duration of project
Start date: 11/2013
End date: 10/2016
Research Areas
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine, Biophysics, Life Sciences, Molecular Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry, Plant Biochemistry and Biophysics, Structural Biology
Research Areas
Erneuerbare Energien, Membran
Kern, J., Tran, R., Alonso-Mori, R., Koroidov, S., Echols, N., Hattne, J., Ibrahim M., Gul, S, Laksmono, H., Sierra, R. G., Gildea, R. J., Han, G., Hellmich, J., Lassalle-Kaiser, B., Chatterjee, R., Brewster, A. S., Stan, C. A., Glöckner, C., Lampe, A., DiFiore, D., Milathianaki, D., Fry, A. R., Seibert, M. M., Koglin, J. E., Gallo, E., Uhlig, J., Sokaras, D., Weng, T.-C., Zwart, P. H., Skinner, D. E., Bogan, M. J., Messerschmidt, M., Glatzel, P., Williams, G. J., Boutet, S., Adams, P. D., Zouni, A., Messinger, J., Sauter, N. K., Bergmann, U., Yano, J., and Yachandra, V. K., Taking snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation using femtosecond X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5371
Hellmich J, Bommer M, Burkhardt A, Ibrahim M, Kern J, Meents A, Müh F, Dobbek H, Zouni A, Native-like Photosystem II Superstructure at 2.44 Å Resolution through Detergent Extraction from the Protein Crystal, Structure 2014, 22, 1607-1615
Tran R., Kern J., Hattne J., Kroidov S., Hellmich J., Alonso-Mori R., Sauter N.K., Bergmann U., Messinger J., Zouni A., Yano J., Yachandra V.K., The Mn4Ca photosynthetic water-oxidation catalyst studied by simultaneous X-ray spectroscopy and crystallography using an X-ray free-electron laser, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2014): 2014369 20130324, DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0324
Müh F, DiFiore D, and Zouni A, Influence of poly(ethylene glycol) on the micelle formation of alkyl maltosides used in membrane protein crystallization, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 03/2015; 17(17). DOI: 10.1039/C5CP00431D
Skandary S, Hussels M, Konrad A, Renger T, Müh F, Bommer M, Zouni A, Meixner A.J, and Brecht M, Variation of Exciton-Vibrational Coupling in Photosystem II Core Complexes from Thermosynechococcus elongatus As Revealed by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 02/2015; 119(11). DOI:10.1021/jp510631x
Ibrahim M, Chatterjee R, Hellmich J, Tran R, Bommer M, Yachandra V.K, Yano J, Kern J and Zouni A, Improvements in serial femtosecond crystallography of photosystem II by optimizing crystal uniformity using microseeding procedures, Structural Dynamics 07/2015; 2(4):041705. DOI: 10.1063/1.4919741
Young ID, Ibrahim M, Chatterjee R, Gul S, Koroidov S, Brewster AS, Tran R, Alonso-Mori R, Kroll T, Michels-Clark T, Laksmono H, Sierra RG, Stan CA, Hussein R, Zhang M, Douthit L, Kubin M, de Lichtenberg C, Pham LV, Nilsson H, Cheah MH, Shevela D, Saracini C, Bean MA, Seuffert I, Sokaras D, Weng TC. Pastor E,…, Zouni A, Messinger J, Bergmann U, Sauter NK, Kern J, Yanchandra VK, Junko Yano. Structure of photosystem II and substrate binding at room temperature. Nature 540, 453–457 (15 December 2016) doi:10.1038/nature20161
Alonso-Mori R, Asa K, Bergmann U, Brewster AS, Chatterjee R, Cooper JK, Frei HM, Fuller FD, Goggins E, Gul S, Fukuzawa H, Iablonskyi D, Ibrahim M, Katayama T, Kroll T, Kumagai Y, McClure BA, Messinger J, Motomura K, Nagaya K, Nishiyama T, Saracini C, Sato Y, Sauter NK, Sokaras D, Takanashi T, Togashi T, Ueda K, Weare WW, Weng TC, Yabashi M, Yachandra VK, Young ID, Zouni A, Kern JF, Yano J. Towards characterization of photo-excited electron transfer and catalysis in natural and artificial systems using XFELs. Faraday Discuss. 2016 Dec 16;194:621-638. doi: 10.1039/c6fd00084c.
Baxter E.L, Aquila L, Alonso-Mori R, Barnes C.O, Bonagura C.A, Brehmer W, Brunger A.T, Calero G, Caradoc-Davies T.T, Chatterjee R, Degrado W.F, Fraser J.S, Ibrahim M, Kern J, Kobilka B.K, Kruse A.C, Larsson K.M, Lemke, H.T, Lyubimov A.Y, Manglik A, McPhillips S.E, Norgren E, Pang S.S, Soltis S.M, Song J, Thomaston J, Tsai Y, Weis W.I, Woldeyes R.A, Yachandra V, Yano J, Zouni A, and Cohen A.E, High-density grids for efficient data collection from multiple crystals, Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology 01/2016; 72(1). DOI: 10.1107/S2059798315020847
Roessler CG, Agarwal R, Allaire M, Alonso-Mori R, Andi B, Bachega JF, Bommer M, Brewster AS, Browne MC, Chatterjee R, Cho E, Cohen AE, Cowan M, Datwani S, Davidson VL, Defever J, Eaton B, Ellson R, Feng Y, Ghislain LP, Glownia JM, Han G, Hattne J, Hellmich J, Héroux A, Ibrahim M, Kern J, Kuczewski A, Lemke HT, Liu P, Majlof L, McClintock WM, Myers S, Nelsen S, Olechno J, Orville AM, Sauter NK, Soares AS, Soltis SM, Song H, Stearns RG, Tran R, Tsai Y, Uervirojnangkoorn M, Wilmot CM, Yachandra V, Yano J, Yukl ET, Zhu D, Zouni A. Acoustic Injectors for Drop-On-Demand Serial Femtosecond Crystallography. Structure. 2016 Apr 5;24(4):631-40. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2016.02.007. Epub 2016 Mar 17.
Sierra R.G, Gati C, Laksmono H, Han Dao E, Gul S, Fuller F, Kern J, Chatterjee R, Ibrahim M, Brewster A.S, Young I.D, Michels-Clark T, Aquila A, Liang M, Hunter M.S, Koglin J.E, Boutet S, Junco E.A, Hayes B, Bogan M.J, Hampton C.Y, Puglisi E.V, Sauter N.K, Stan C.A, Zouni A, Yano J, Yachandra V.K, Soltis S.M, Puglisi J.D, and DeMirci H, Concentric-flow electrokinetic injector enables serial crystallography of ribosome and photosystem II, Nature Methods.11/2015; DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.3667