Developing the Adult Learning Sector - Opening Higher Education to Adults
The project will assess the important factors that facilitate or inhibit the participation of adults in higher education (HE) as well as the flexible delivery of higher education programmes and learning provisions for adult learners which are conducive for a good adult learner performance.
The scope of the study includes the 27 European Member States, the EFTA countries and the accession candidate countries. Additionally selected non-European countries will be involved in the study to describe and analyse most innovative and potentially transferable best practices. It will also identify adult education research being undertaken in HEIs related to flexible delivery of HE programmes and flexible learning provisions within HEIs. The study will offer a detailed description and analysis of examples of good practice of flexible delivery of HE programmes and flexible learning provisions within HEIs for adults. Each example of good practice will be accompanied by a description of the regulatory frameworks and finance provisions at national level, which contribute to creating and sustaining conditions for the flexible delivery of HE programmes. Resuming the study should provide an overview of the available knowledge on opening HE to adults in the European countries and make conclusions and recommendations for action to be taken at European, national and regional level to stimulate the participation of adults in HE.
Privat/ Mittelgeber Berlin
Duration of project
Start date: 02/2012
End date: 02/2013