Studie zur Gewalt- und Kriminalitätsbelastung in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Violence and crime in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Berlin)
The study examines the perspectives of young, mostly male user groups of public spaces in crime-ridden places and aims at a deeper understanding of behaviors perceived as deviant. The qualitatively study design focuses on subjective experiences and perspectives of adolescents in order to analyze the causes and circumstances of delineated behavior in a differentiated and contextual manner. The study also aims at findings and proposals such as institutional change of perspective, spatial design and cross-generational or cross-layered encounters (public familiarity) of violence, crime or perceived insecurity at the local level. counteracted.
Participating organisational units of HU Berlin
Land Berlin - Andere
Duration of project
Start date: 11/2017
End date: 12/2024